What happened to Gadget?


Active member
Has anyone noticed that Inspector Gadget has deleted all his posts since the beginning of the year? Each of his posts was replaced with a ':shock:' Reading Gadget's posts was one of the highlights of my day.

I hope we haven't done anything to make him mad or run him off.

What's going on Gadget? :cry:

I did notice that. I am unsure, I hope everything is alright ! I noticed that his posts were edited on feb 26. has he posted since then?

if you go and look there are some still left that are normal look around page 5??????
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I noticed that I hadn't seen a post from him in a while, but I didn't know he deleted his old posts. He always has alot of good stuff to say, so I sure hope we didn't scare him off. We need more Gadgets around here.
Does anyone know if he is still a member here? I have noticed he hasn't been around for a while. WHERE ARE YOU GADGET????

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I dont know where he went.But it looks like he's not coming back.If you read this gadget, please at least give us a response for why you arent here no more.
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Well it all comes down to Why! Gadget you are well liked and I all ways enjoyed your post. If you have in deed left for anything that was said or done by me I am sorry and would love to make it right with you. You are a wealth of knowledge will be missed. So if you have gone on to other haunt's take care and know you are always welcome back. tug
I seem to recall Gadget and another member having a difference of opinion about something and Gadget stating that he was leaving for another board.
He is (or was, not sure) one of the members here. He was always full of information and always funny to read what he had to say.

How long ago did he get into this argument? Was that post deleted as well??

Gadget was a member of the board that was well versed in Jeepery and seemed like a great guy. I remember him helping me out when I was doing my brakes for the first time. I am very curious what would have made him leave.
He doesn't really seem to get into an argument in that thread though. Any one know which thread it was that made him leave?

Dude??? What in the blue hell happened?? I didn't notice anything wrong. Last thread I saw him in was "much to do about jetting"? In that thread, he seemed his jovial self. How are we sure he left?

For him to leave, it would have to be a good reason. I'm worried. And curious as all get out. His humor keeps me clicking around here quite a bit.

Someone mentioned that he said he was leaving for another board?? How do we know that? This is very odd... :?:
laneiac said:
I seem to recall Gadget and another member having a difference of opinion about something and Gadget stating that he was leaving for another board.

Who did he have a difference in opinion with, and when did you see that?
I think it's only been a couple of weeks since he's posted. I remember a thread about wheel backspacing that he either posted or replied to. Mabye he's just on vacation.

Hes probably faking his own "cyber death" perhaps to get a rise out of the board... the edited posts are a nice touch too. It's pretty funny that he got a post dedicated to his dissapearance... I agree with Craig, vacation or elsewhere. sounds like hes got some splainin to do when he comes bach eh?

Of course if his dissapearance turns out to be negative, I retract the last statement.