What does your Screen name/Nickname mean???

Red Rooster: was my old CB handle in the high school days of weekend wheeling.
Red because of my hair and Rooster because I rule the hen house.
That was many Jeeps ago, but the nickname has stuck for trail and internet use.

BTW...Gadget I would not be interested in a Phone/Shaver but maybe something else. How about a beer can hugger that is a "clapper". For instance, you have a few cold ones then set your brew down to do something else. Then you can't find it again. Just clap your hands and it sounds an audible tone. Kind of like on your cordless phone. Killer, huh.

PhatyAspen !!!!!!!!!!!

Mine is Simple


The Day I lifted my TJ me and my buddy both got out of the TJ and Twisted our ankles ......... so Twisted TJ came along

Then there PavementSux98TJ (aim) self explainatory
and Mud-Thumper (other message boards) I used to have a really nice stereo till it was stolen 2x's and it was covered in mud most of teh time
I thought I'd bring this one back for two reasons: It seems like a couple of old threads have been brought back lately, and we have a bunch of new peepz.

So new guys: what does your nickname mean?
Well, mine started out one fateful Fraternity party night for Alpha Sigma Phi. I rolled up in my truck, and got out carrying a case of Corona into the house when it slipped and hit the ground. Only 1 bottle did not make it to anyones lips, Forgive me father for i have sinned. Everyone still calls me that, even m fellow police officers, who found out from some of my fraternity bropthers at a bar b q.
just my name wanted to change it but didnt want the hassle of loosing my count by resigning.... eveerybody back home calls me "ridgerunner" cause thats all i used to do

I missed this one! It was started around the time I joined I think, so that might be why.

I guess there are several reasons for Junkpile.

#1. I abuse my junk. It's broken down alot.

#2. At one time, I was addicted to junkyards. If I had some extra money......screw the catalog, forget the autoparts store......I was heading for the junkyard, scrapyard, or surplus metal dealer!!

#3. My current CJ started out as a pile of junk I had been collecting from the results of #1 and #2.
I lost my left hand in a hay bailing accident and now have a hook there instead. not really....i have a big towhook on the back of my YJ to pull people out with.
When my Jeep was 6 days old, I took her and a woman out to several mudholes and got stuck in one. Trying to impress this woman and not knowing a thing about my new Jeep, I looked out the door and wondered why only one wheel was spinning (ok, ok, I've learned!!). Asked Bonney to look out her side and see, just as I gunned it. Needless to say, she turned to me covered with mud. I was thinking, "Oh, shite, what have I done?" About that time, she burst out with one of the heartiest laughs I've ever heard. I thought to myself "Now, THAT'S my kinda woman!" Needless to say, she is now my wife. We became "Mudman" and "Mudwoman". AOL (or some such lousy ISP) wouldn't let me have that name, and I became mud4feet - I figured that was close enough.

And just WHAT feels better than nice cold much squishin' between your toes?

mud4feet said:
And just WHAT feels better than nice cold much squishin' between your toes?

butter.....mmm....butter....... :D
I was trying to type in "88Wrangler" (Witch come to find out was taken anyways) and accidently hit submit before I realized I had put in "88Wrangles." and of course, I was too lazy to go back and get another name (don't want to loose my post count now though!!).
Mine is a dually. Originally it started as an undergrad in geology. Well, put it this way, there was an incident with some biology girls and I got the nickname geopig (of course we had already named them biobi#$@es, but that' another story).
Secondly, it stuck because it contains the first three letters of my first and last names.

I always thought it was in some way related to a geo metro. I guess I was wrong.
76cj7nola said:
Means just what it says 1976 cj7 from New Orleans ( not very original all I could think of at the time)

Dude, 'Nawlins rules. My 2nd favorite city tied with NY.
Thats too funny.... Long but FUNNY. ( can it be funny even if he died ? )
At my work we call it getting Hit.
They say its not the voltage but the amperage that kills ya. Anyway you put it, It hurts.

On-topic White is my name.