What does your Screen name/Nickname mean???

LauraBoston said:
My name is Laura, and i'm from Boston...not very creative. I was told I should change my name, I am not very creative.

You're from Boston??!!! :shock:

Hi-Ya, mingez!

Well...I have been fascinated with gadgets and ersatz inventions since childhood, and I was a career techie type. I did once carry a mechanical slide-rule (and knew how to use it) and I was involved with computers when they contained vacuum tubes and magnetic core memory.

My wife claims that I was the prototype for the "Inspector Gadget" cartoon character; the "Home Improvement" main character, played by Tim Allen, and even the gadget-loaded kid in the "Goonies" movie. (Remember Goonie Data's "Pincers of Death" and his classic and very, very cool "Slippery Shoes"?) :lol:

One of my personal heroes is Mr. Popeil, of Vegematic, Pocket Fisherman, Bamboo Steamer, Garden Weasel and the in-the-shell egg scrambler fame. (Great Stuff!!!) :P

I am prone -- maybe, too prone -- to "re-wiring" things around the house, although I have not caused the dishwasher to explode...yet.

Hence, also, my affinity for bling-bling gizmos like the compass-temperature mini-overhead console for the Bubbacon.

So, long before I joined Jeeps.com, I was known around here as "Inspector Gadget."

And now, by some cruel twist of fate, you guys are stuck with me too.



PS: I have lately been kicking around the idea of inventing and marketing a cell phone-electric shaver. You know...so a guy could talk on the phone AND shave while driving to work. That would be convenient and put an end to those embarrassing incidents of trying to make a phone call while driving and shaving your ear lobe by mistake. :shock:

The cell phone-electric shaver would be a "killer" gadget -- destined for the "Sharper Image" catalog. Any venture capitalists out there willing to provide financial backing?

(Remember Goonie Data's "Pincers of Death" and his classic and very, very cool "Slippery Shoes"?)

LOL :lol: I believe they were called the "Pincers of Peril". Peril being pronounced "Pehwal."
You know, I was thinking. I should have been more witty, and made my name from a different place or something. Like laurawyoming, or geeimstupid

I know there are some others out there. Like Nymisus, dingus, raven, chinard, bent, sound man, judge09, and my personal favorite: dick wilderness. hahahahahahaha.
well the jeep is a renegade
people at school call me 'Skank' b/c that is the complete opposite of what I am-- im more of a Chic (and its my shampoo name :))
and the jeep is a 77
ad em togetha adn ya get renegadechic77
Roundeye describes to types of vehicles I like. The eyes are the windows to the soul. I see faces when I look at a vehicle. Some look angry, some look happy, some look confused, others have a blank look. Then some have no face. Square headlights.....have you ever seen square eyes? Doesn't do it for me. I know, I'm a freak like that.

Now, before you YJ guys get bent out of shape, I must add that there is absolutely notheing wrong with YJs. I like them. They just don't look back at me.
pghpenna said:
pghpenna, pgh and penna are one of many ways to abbreviate my born in home town.... Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Yes I am a die hard Steeler fan and have thick skin so if yunz want to bust my chops about their horrible season feel free. Frank

Hey Frank, I'd love to bust yer chops over the Steelers, but I'm a Ravens fan and being that you guys spanked us pretty good in week 1, and the whole division is pretty much a mess (except maybe for Cinci.), I'll wait for our final meeting! My sister and brother-in-law are from/in Jeanette, and they will take the brunt of my ribbing until then!


Eww like this one is a hard one here...lol
Well maybe not, he he.
I got the nick Utah or offtent called "the man from Utah" from my Desert racing group. While deep in the sand dunes "Steve" comes out staticly over the head set radio's and "Ut" ( said You-toot) or Utah is distinguisable over the radio.
Well everyone looks the same in a helmet I am often to refeered to as "the man from Utah" ( a John Wayne classic film too)
And the name stuck...Add in Hollow's eve into the sand mix and well Utah Jeepster was born.
YAY! Finally got my lift in!

I have no clue! This was the name I chose when I signed up for yahoo and AIM like 6 years ago and it just stuck. haha, sad, I know.
Hey Noskils, how's it back home aka the Bay Area? Don't ever leave...you'll regret it. Trust me.

pghpenna and Twistedcopper, I too would like to bust yer chops about your teams, but my niners are only .500 and only recently been doing well.

Renegadechic77: I, mingez, AM a skank. :)

Mine is fairly straight foreward, just tend to march to a different drummer than most people
jeepdude832 is my aim name
Jeepdude99 was taken so I went with 832 year I was born and 2 the month ya I know its backwards but you gotta love 8 gazillion people online these days takin all the normal screenames
jeepdude832 said:
you gotta love 8 gazillion people online these days takin all the normal screenames

haha I totally agree! thats why my AIM names are really corny- getovrit16 and luv2laughandgrin
then again w/ my email address someone already had lilgladiator4u so i had to make it lilgladiatpr4u

sad, i know

Well craig ive been on this site for quite a while now, and I lost my post count when they did the whole changover thing
Hey Gadget, we don't need any more cell phones with more options. Unless you can make one that explodes unless it is used ONLY at an appropriate time.
My nick "chinard" is a fairly obscure reference, and only 5 people have ever caught the reference without me telling them.

Anyways, I'm a huge Clive Barker fan, I tend to name most of my computers and stuff after things in clive barker books like "midian", "quiddity", "lemerchand" and so on..

Dr. Chinard was the brain surgeon from Hellraiser 2 that ended up killing all the cenobytes and taking over hell.
I figure that fits my personality :D
(Actually, the ORIGINAL spelling from the movie was Channard, but by the time i figured this out it was too late, so i just stuck with this spelling)