What did you do to your Jeep today?

managed to kill the battery by leaving the lights on all night. anyone wanna come give me a jump? I don't know a single person's number in Tampa. Standing by the jeep waiting to start flagging potential jumps down.

Did ya get jumped?
managed to kill the battery by leaving the lights on all night. anyone wanna come give me a jump? I don't know a single person's number in Tampa. Standing by the jeep waiting to start flagging potential jumps down.
You could get arrested for that. Make sure his name isn't John. :-p
Found a lady to give me a jump. Nice lady. Knew nothing about jumping cars. Didn't even know where her battery is or how to open the hood. Lol. Made me feel smart.

Got a new (for us) minivan for the wife last week. She took my truck to work today so I could take it to the shop and get the transmission flushed. Drop it off and walk home to get the Jeep since my daughter works night shift. She says it was smoking a bit and she smelled antifreeze. Okay, I'll check it out. I get almost to my office, less than two miles, it starts steaming, open the hood, it's coming from the water pump. Turn around and head for the shop and at a stop sign the radiator explodes. Looks like a bomb went off. Limp to the shop, laughs all around, walk back to my office. My secretary drops me off at lunch to get the minivan. They do manage to finish the Jeep by the end of the day and I'm out $500 for a new rad and water pump because I don't have time to deal with it.

And there still isn't any heat.
Well, yesterday we had snow coming into southeast Michigan, and the blower in my 01 TJ hasn't been working, so I haven't had heat, which isn't a big deal because the Jeep isn't my daily driver, except in in the winter. I decided to try to get this fixed before I left work to pick up the kids in the snow. Tried changing out the resistor, blower switch, and relay, which did look a little burnt, but none of those fixed the issue, so I picked up a new blower motor and changed that out in the parking lot at work in the middle of a snowstorm. Kind of pain having to take the battery out to get to it, but the new one is in and my heat is back.

I installed nerf bars, my first mod of my first Jeep....it has begun.
Installed a HOODLIFT.COM system. Open and close the hood with one hand.

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Replaced the fog light bulbs


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Ordered Left and Right side autorust frame repair pieces for the center section of my frame, with Morris 4x4 free shipping coupon

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Installed Tuffy under seat security. Seems like it sticks out further than it looks in the pic in the ad. That's as far back as it'll go.


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Installed Tuffy under seat security. Seems like it sticks out further than it looks in the pic in the ad. That's as far back as it'll go.

Does that box work with the seat that tilts forward?

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Picked up the new license Plate for the trailer & put some rubber traction on the fenders.

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