What did you do to your Jeep today?


Took the hard top off!!!

The roar of the tires is all the music I need.

Started the day with the intention of replacing the front axle u-joints...... Then I found my hubs were DONE!! So I ordered new hubs..... Then decided I would install my posi-lock cable but couldn't find 5/8 bit or #3 unibit. So I got held up all around. Good thing I have tomorrow to look foward to finishing it.
Took it on a rocky trail, nothing crazy... did use the 4x4 high... Great power! Couldn't burn tire on all fours though - haha!

Thanks gennybro!! :) were getting there. She's still a work in progress!

The roar of the tires is all the music I need.
Off to get the tires rebalanced, trying to get rid of a slight vibration around 45-55.<br>
Looks funny with the old wheels back on


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New soft top installed on Sunday. I haven't put the windows in yet but hopefully they will fit as the first top I got was miss-sewn.
found out that even with hot rodding and doing 75+ on the highway i still get the same, or better gas mileage then i did with the two barrel carbs and babying it.
Started the day with the intention of replacing the front axle u-joints...... Then I found my hubs were DONE!! So I ordered new hubs..... Then decided I would install my posi-lock cable but couldn't find 5/8 bit or #3 unibit. So I got held up all around. Good thing I have tomorrow to look foward to finishing it.

Finished alll the above. I HAVE 4 WHEEL DRIVE AGAIN!!! It came broken when I bought my Jeep. Gonna test drive it on the beach tonight
Went and got the tires balanced twice. The first time the shimmy was still there, if not worse than before. So I went back and they let me go back and watch. The tire spun out at 0.50oz out, the tech told me that was in spec :???: so I asked him to add the weight and guess what NO MORE SHIMMY. Go figure balance the tire to "0" out and it drives like a dream again
Removed broken rear track bar and called the gorilla who put the whammy on the nut and bolt terrible names.

Well the fun lasted for a few hours. I think my fuel pump kust went up. Now she is gonna have to sit till payday or later :( and its topless weather.... never fails

Had the top off and took a nice ride at night only to run into rain (not heavy tho) came home put the tarp over it and am now watching it rain on sat morning. subposed to clear up sometime this morning!
hitmanstj said:
Replaced the drop pitman arm with the stock one.

After throwing The dpa in the trash the other day went and got another front end alignment today and she drives like a dream.