What did you do to your Jeep today?

Built a hardtop hoist I'll post some pics tomorrow

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So I couldn't find the mount where the shocks go to on the yj so I simply bought some plates for the cj. Once I found out that they aren't wide enought to fit on the yj I cut off the male ends from the cj plates and welded them onto the missing yj part. I then sanded and repainted the yj plates. Here is the finished product. Lets hope its an ok mount for the shocks. It was welded pretty good.​
Attached Thumbnails

Read more: http://www.jeepz.com/forum/cj-yj-tj-jk/40609-suspension-lift.html#ixzz299MSfNmj

Congratulations...that's awesome...now if only you could park it in the livingroom. Then you could stare at it when you aren't in it.
Finally got my baby back. Spent yesterday on the road. Spending today doting over him.


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TrailRatedRN said:
Finally got my baby back. Spent yesterday on the road. Spending today doting over him.

Yeah! You two are now one again.
Finished up my Top Hoist :D

I bought a hand winch and rope from HF and various pulleys ,eye hooks, cable clamps and quick chain links from Lowes

Installed the winch on the wall

Put 2 eye hooks with a piece of galvanized pipe between them as a "pulley'' to get me around the corner of the wall to ceiling

Then put the 6 eye hooks and pulleys on the ceiling(making sure to hit a floor joist) also put the 4 eye hooks on the platform that used to be the hardtop dolly. i also ran the rope through every pulley.



I used a small D rind to transition from the rope to the winch hook.


Last i put my summer windows and soft top on the platform and raised it to the ceiling, I put 2 ratchet straps on to keep it up in case something fails.


my wife has never been muddin in a jeep before, ( jeepin ) so I found a trail and played for a bit, till we got stuck. she had a blast! now she wants one! but she needs something 4 door for the kids, I told her a cherokee has 4 doors, now I have to buy her a jeep.


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Cleaned it, then went & picked up my brothers 12ft single axle trailer. Towed it okay empty. Test will be this weekend when I put 1200 more pounds in quads, gear clothes n misc stuff. Guessing it'll be pretty turdish, especially on the hills.
Added a little bling to him. Been looking for one since I bought the Jeep. I remember seeing a few on them when I was younger. Always liked them.


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After rebalancing and rotating the tires the other day I got a vibration around 50-55.

I watched the tech balance all the tires to "0". So the tire is balanced perfect but still is out of balance.

I've came to the conclusion the tire either has a busted belt or is out of round.
I've had this tire on the jeep 3 times now and taken it back off after a few hundred miles each time. I always figured the tech got lazy on one wheel and didn't get it completely balanced, but this time I watched him closely....

I put it back on the tailgate, I'll see if I can get it replaced.

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