What can i do?

I don't really know what all I can do with it. Don't have anywhere to try it out. But it has Detroit lockers, pro comp shocks, 3 inch lift, 33 inch general grabbers, rock sliders, stinger bumper, 8000 pound wench, sound bar, rampage soft top and kc lights.

Try taking it offroad? search your local aera for an offroad club, depending where you are, the land migh tbe public and anyone can use it, or if it is like the north east, it is all private land and leasing agreements between clubs and owners exists where we are allowed exclusive rights to the land.
Do you have a spare? If not, then you may want a tire carrier.

If you're just looking for more toys, then you could go with onboard air - it would be useful if you ever upgrade to air lockers.
Are you running a dana 35 rear axle? you could upgrade that to a dana 44, ford 8.8 or something beefier.
I have the Dana 44 rear axel. I do need the tire carrier that is one thing I been looking at since I got my new bumpers.

Where do you live? There may be other from your area that came give you ideas of where you can go offroading, or as mentioned above look for a club in your area.
3" list isn't much to clear 33" tires on a YJ, many still rub slightly with 4" lift. I'd recommend a small 1"ish body lift or installing TJ fender flares for more tire clearance.

Find places to legally offroad and learn how your Jeep works as it is, then consider modifications down the road as you gain experience.
I live in southaven Mississippi and my tires do rub a little when I have 2 people in the backseat but I plan on doin the leaf over lift. Where my leaf springs are on top of my axels then get a little bit bigger tires

And I plan on getting the flat style bush wackier fender flares to