Went hunting today!


Super Moderator
Re: RE: wanna see your house

First time in a long time, got to take the old 30/30 out and do a little squirel hunting! I like squirels but I think they are high in cholesterol so I descided to hunt some big game...
we went to this "reserve" up north some where, lots of snow. so we were looking for deer, bucks, to hunt. nothing, 7 hours up in the tree stand and nothing, I think it had to do with the tree, there were no branches and the tree kinda looked like a candy cane?? so we ended up seeing a couple reindeer but we had to let them pass cause they are out of season, then all of a sudden, I saw it, the prize buck, 12 pointer!

here is a photo..


Happy Holidays!
Re: RE: Thought this was cool

It's my family christmas card!


Thats my brother dressed up like Santa, and of course the fine lookin hunter is yours truly!

mingez said:
Oh man, I wanna see it, but the image isn't working for me.

Nevermind, it worked when I refreshed. And that's hilarious. LOL :lol: