Well, the bastids finally did it....


For most of the past 6 months or so, Sunshine has been telling me that her employer has been looking for a way to get rid of her. Today, they finally did it. She and dozens more were laid off. Main reason for the lay-offs was because they lost two major contracts in the past few months (millions of dollars in revenue down the crapper). It wasn't just the peons, either. Lots of upper and middle management types got whacked, too. She was making just over 2 times what I make an hour, so basically our income has been cut by 2/3rds. Plus, we're losing one helluva great insurance plan. $25 a month, no co-pay, no deductible, $10 office visits, and incredibly cheap prescriptions. To insure both of us through my company would take half of each month's pay for premiums. We've made the decision already that I will be the only one insured until she finds another job (not an easy decision, mind you). We figured with my neck problems and the fact that I have to see my doctor each month for treatment, it was the only logical way to go.

She's taking it very well, in fact I think she's actually a bit relieved to get it overwith. Now she doesn't have to crawl out of bed each morning wondering if today is the day she gets the axe anymore. We'll be ok.....don't really have any choice but to move on. Gonna be pretty tight for a while. Internet will be the last to go (after food) because I'd miss you guys too much. Kinda put the lift on indefinite hold (again). A while back we agreed that any money I make working weekends will be our "fun" money; i.e., none of it will go to pay bills, gas, food, etc. All of it will be spent on whatever we want. I figured that Saturdays are "my" days, and if I'm working a Saturday, then I should get the money, not the bill collectors. So, I split it with her, and we have a little extra each pay period to have fun with. We've decided that we will continue to do that, taking the advice my mom gave me after Dad died. She said that if there's anything we want to do, don't put it off because we may never get the chance again, and that we should set aside a little bit from each check just for that purpose. Mom's a pretty smart cookie when it comes down to it. So, at least in a few months I'll be able to get the electric fan for the Jeep, and maybe a receiver hitch.

Anyway, keep us in your prayers. There are lots and lots of people out there worse off than we are, so pray for them first, and if you have time after that, toss a prayer our way.

NEW Diesel Jeep!

Oh no!! Well you know I'll be thinking about you guys!

So, does she have anything lined up? I hope it all turns out for the best. If anything dire turns out you know I'll do what I can. But it sounds as if you all have it under control!!!
I think for the time being, she just wants to decompress for a while. She's been at that job for close to 15 years. They've been trying to drive her out over the past year or so by taking away responsibilities, cutting her commission off, moving her from boss to boss. I'm very proud of her, I would have punched the boss and called him an obscenity and been fired long ago. (Happened once before to me....oops). It was very stressful for her. Last night she seemed so relaxed, so calm. Aside from losing the income, it's probably actually a good thing. Our insurance with them will continue through the end of November, and she'll get unemployment next week. I was surprised at the number of "higher-ups" that got the axe. A lot of department heads got it, as well as many of them just below the top of the pecking order. They are the largest insurance company in Kansas (were). They lost the contracts for the State of Kansas (22,000 employee premiums gone) and Raytheon Aircraft (15,000 employee premiums gone). That represents a ton of money down the crapper. Doesn't surprise me, though. They've been jacking premiums and cutting bennies for years. The last three places I worked carried that insurance, and I was apalled at the rates my co-workers were paying. Yeah, and now Suburban carries PPK insurance, so I'll be paying those horrible rates.

Time to win the lottery, I guess.

RE: crank position sensor

Don't forget to check the parameters of the COBRA insurance act. For a certain amount of time, insurance companies are obligated to continue giving you service for a reasonable amount of time until other means are acquired. I'm not sure on the particulars, but it's a law to protect people in exactly your situation.

I found some of the particulars. It sounds as if you are covered:

Answers to Frequently-Asked COBRA Insurance Questions

In the U.S., if you lose your employer-provided health insurance as a result of a "qualifying event," you are entitled by Federal law to temporarily extend your insurance coverage under COBRA.
What is COBRA insurance?

COBRA stands for the Federal Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act, an amendment to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). When a qualifying event occurs, the Act requires employers to allow former employees, retirees, spouses, former spouses, and dependent children to continue their current health insurance coverage at group rates. Employers who had 20 or more employees on staff for more than 50 percent of their ordinary business days in the prior year, must comply with COBRA.

Some states have created their own COBRA-like laws that include or expand the provisions in the Federal Act. Other states have simply adopted the Federal Act as is. You are protected by whichever law affords the most protection in your state.
What are COBRA qualifying events?

For employees,

* Voluntary or involuntary employment termination for reasons other than gross misconduct

* Reduction in work hours

Qualifying events for an employee's spouse to elect coverage include

* Covered employee becoming entitled to Medicare
* Divorce or legal separation from the covered employee
* Death of the covered employee

Qualifying events for dependent children are the same as for as a spouse, except children may elect their own coverage if they lose dependent status according to the plan.

Click HERE for more info.

RE: stalling problem, mechanics can

Yeah, thanks, Mingez. At least her company has paid her premiums through the end of November for us (really surprising, actually). For us to continue after that point with COBRA would cost us nearly $2300 a month for the coverage we have. COBRA is ok in some instances, but not all. Basically, COBRA allows you to keep the same coverage you had with your employer after losing your job, but you don't have the company benefit that pays for part of the coverage, it's all on you. So, you can see why losing that job is more than just a dent in our income, the bennies were really what made it good.
RE: Re: RE: crank position sensor

Man that's a bummer -yet another storm for you two to weather. We'll keep you folks in our prayers.

2300? What kind of coverage were you guys getting. That's crazy steep.
:shock: Wow, that is some premium coverage!

I'm sorry to hear about your troubles Sparky. That whole deal sucks. I wish you guys the best.
mingez said:
2300? What kind of coverage were you guys getting. That's crazy steep.

That was a typo. It would only be $1300. The coverage we had was absolutely incredible. No deductibles, scripts only $5, $15, or $20 (based on generic, name brand, and whether or not they were in the formulary, whatever the heck that is), office visits only $10 co-pay, ER visits were $50 co-pay, full dental and vision (except for $10 office visit co-pay). My neck surgery a few years back was well over $35,000; we didn't pay a cent. Pretty decent plan, really.

Re: RE: Well, the bastids finally did it....

On the upside, I was going to ask my boss for a raise after I heard the news. Got my check on Friday, and he'd already given me a raise and told me yesterday that he was moving me up to Team Leader. God is smiling on us, we just have to know where to look to see it.