Welcome to Jeep-aholics Annonymous, my name is Tim


New member
I had an accident at work on Friday night I smashed my left hand in a rubber mill. Long story short i haven't driven my Jeep since Friday around lunch time. I can't drive because of the pain pills I am on so my wife drove me to the store in the Jeep but it just wasn't the same. My hand needs to heal and I need to get off these pain meds so I can drive my Jeep again.

Welcome Tim, I am Steven...I admit I have a problem but I just cant seem to kick the habit.

Sorry about the hand dude, and really sorry about you not being able to fill your cure? no more like I am really sorry you cant feed your addiction. There is always the internet and jeep porn. (Jeep Porn= my wifes name for my jeep magazines/ catalogs and books)
Sorry to hear about your hand....hope it heals quickly....at least your wife agrees to drive you around....now might be a good time for some Jeep shopping(that's what my wife calls it when i take the back roads or just go for a drive in the country). Just have your wife take you for a ride in the country & watch for old Jeeps parked in the yards,next to the barn etc...then maybe knock on the door & try to strike a deal.***CAUTION*** Be sure to have your wife do the dealing if your meds may effect your reasoning abilities.

Hang in there....you'll be back behind the wheel before you know it.
Hi Tim, Sorry about your hand, If you cant drive your Jeep you cant mow the lawn or wash the dishes. (always find something positive to focus on in hard times)

Steve, My wife also calls my Jeep & 4x4 mags (Dad's porn). Best "out house" reading there is................wonder if there is a suport group for wifes neglected because of Jeeps?

Lol that was one of the questions i asked the doctor after the 30 or so stitches went into my ring finger, is how long before i can do the dishes and i as surprised he said it would be a good 6 months before dishes, and breakfast in bed for at least 3 weeks haha. At least though i don't have to twist my wifes arm that much for her to drive my jeep.
Hi my name is Andre....its been 30 days 4hours, 27minutes and 13 seconds since I last took my Jeep offroad. Shaun (My Jeep) is seriously peeved and is not talking to me at present. I have tried washing, polishing and whispering sweet nothings but nothing is working. We have been recommended for futher counselling. Will keep you posted on how it turns out.

I do not have an addiction. I am still in denial.

I will quit when my wallet says so.

But i got a question, are you on payed absence from work or this gonna hurt your wallet also?
Hi I'm jason I work 7 day and I'm off for 7 days, when I'm at work I can't drive my Jeep being that its 450 miles away, but when I'm working all I do is draw plans for bumpers and look at ... as y'all put it "Jeep porn" LOL is this an addiction, I hope so! Cause its awesome!
I will quit when my wallet says so.

But i got a question, are you on payed absence from work or this gonna hurt your wallet also?
its paid through workmans comp, but its not my full wage which isn't much as it is.

thanks though for the well wishes from everyone. it is tough looking at the jeep sitting outside knowing i can't dive it.

You could always give it to me! then you won't have to look at it.

I will take the eyesore off your property for a small fine though. NOTHINGS FREE!

Sorry to hear about you injury, any permanant damage?
its too early to tell. The doctor said I should get full mobility back, but he isn't so sure if I will get feeling back. I'll get a better idea on Thursday when I go to see a hand specialist.
Find out if there are any hand specialist rehab therapists in your area. Good rehab therapy is the key. I have had a few major injuries that required surgeries to repair. The therapists were my saving grace. Patient references are also very helpful in finding good doctors and therapists.
i got a referral to two different hand specialists who i assume i am going to be working with through this whole ordeal, and I am sure therapy will be part of it.

just an update, i went in for surgery this morning and the doctor had to amputate the tip of my finger that got smashed up to the first knuckle. Now its even longer till i get to be behind the wheel of my jeep.
wow, that sucks!!!!

i almost took the tip of mine of in a helicopter engine because i was tired and not watching what i was doing a few years ago. right now i am typing on a broken left hand ring finger from wrestling with 8 or 9 kids in the pool. i don't have the same level as pain as you had but i kind of feel your pain.

drop the medication and take normal aspirin so you can still cruise the jeep. wait a second, is your jeep a stick? if so, man, it sucks double for you.