Weber Wahooooo!!!


New member
I decided to see if I could get my Weber running better. I seached through the paperwork from when I bought my Jeep (The guy who sold it to me was kind enough to include the Weber instructions) Anyway found it and went to work on the carb. This is what I found.

Ported vacuum line with a 3 inch slit. And it was way way out of adjustment. It was running really rich. Then I went to the fast Idle and it was set really fast Like 3000 rpms. To make a long story short it runs so much better I could not believe it. I still need to see how it does at higher speeds, but I am very pleased.


That 3 inch slit will definitley gum up the works. Glad to hear ya fixed it.
This is pretty much the reason i switched to silicone tubes for my vacuum shit. Silicone don't rot like rubber does and the nice bright red makes it really easy to see when something ain't right 8)