"Wash Me"... What the @#$&? Who the?


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wrangler tilt steering column

So I went wheelin last sunday, got covered with mud... no paint color in sight...
Anyway, I didn't get a chance to wash it monday, tuesday I came out to go to work... and there on my door "WASH ME" is cleverly written in the mud.
After work I did bring it to the car wash with a crap load of quarters... I finished washing it, brought it home, looked on the door and "WASH ME" was still there! scratched right into the paint! Some smart @$$ thought it was funny and I was heated... I don't mind scratches on my jeep, but when they spell out something completely retarded... thats when I the vein starts popping out of my forehead. :evil:
Since I didn't know who did it, I put that pissed off energy to work and got the rubbing compound out. Fifteen min. later and a tired arm 90 % of the "advice" was gone. Now I feel better, thanks for letting me vent...

tach and speedo from wrangler

Man, I know the feeling. I still have Cartmen from Southpark saying "Whateva whateva" written on my hood. Also, they thought it would be funny to draw flowers through the dried up mud on my hood. Unfortunately, those flowers and the saying are permanetely on my hood.

They did it my senior year in high school. STUPID FRIENDS!!!
like Vincent Vega said in Pulp Fiction: "It would almost be worth it, to catch them in the act of doing it."
I hate that..you work really hard for that mud and its nice to see the day after a trail ride..saying ahhh..that mud makes me proud, and shows a good time. People only write that on my soft top so its not that bad..but it always shows after i wish it..ya gotta really scrub it good

So I think I'm going to start a website.....

To catch someone doing something like that is a dream of mine. Because I would bring them to a phone and make them call the police on themselves. Have them say, "Hi, I've been caught vandalizing this mans property. Could you send someone out here before he beats me up?"
bigTlilODD said:
To catch someone doing something like that is a dream of mine. Because I would bring them to a phone and make them call the police on themselves. Have them say, "Hi, I've been caught vandalizing this mans property. Could you send someone out here before he beats me up?"

Dude, you live in the "Kirk", "Burque", everyone out there is strapped and a potential gangsta. Beautiful place, but a little dangerous. How many "Cops" episodes do we have? I miss it. Never thought I'd say that.
I would LOVE to catch them in the act... luckily nobody is linked to Gangs around here, no cop episides. I bet the guy that wrote that was the same guy that stole my BMX! That thing was so money... It got stolen 2 years ago but I still keep an eye out for it, ready to tackle him right off the bike.

Some one did that to my old YJ right on the hood, a big penis! I just left it there, didn't have the energy to buff it out.

If I ever caught someone defiling my beloved YJ, The things I would do can not be typed here!
unfortunetly there are some people who have no respect for other peolple's stuff. i had some jerk do that to my rig once. i tried everything to get it out and no luck. i ended up having to pay a detail shop to use the high speed buffer.

Fortunately my friends know better (too old). What kills me is door dings. There wasn't a dent on my suburban when I got it and now there is probably 5 door dings. A lady who used to park by me at work did most of them.
This is rare but my wife actually parks in the furthest away spots when she goes shopping just so people don't dent her doors. I told her that was unlikely since she drives an Avalanche and there is plastic half way up the door. She got into that habit when she had that badass little 2001 Cobra. She kept it spotless. Glad she got rid of it though to many rednecks honking and yelling.
Ya know its kinda funny, cause I think everyone has done it before. You really dont think at that moment that its going to cause any damage to the vehicle, then you think back on that gritty scratchy feeling beneath finger and then oh crap oops what have I done? Its one thing for a friend to touch you property but a perfect stanger now that I would be mad at :evil:

oh boy... i get that all the time... my old soft top windows had all sorts of symbols and stuff on them.... my brother, long ago, drew his rendition of the male genitalia on his father's pickup truck tailgate... when it was washed off... there it was... clear as day.... ignorany moves...

i get angry when people pick at/knock off/chip away mud from my jeep... the dried clumps are like trophies baked on there... and when people write on it... it is just stupid... i really don't understand exerting energy to cause inconvenience to a person when there will be no returned result from it... if someone steals something, breaks something, cuts something... there is some sort of return... whether channeled aggression or claimed stolen items... but writing on a vehicle's mud??? you get a dirty finger, and have no reward
me and my buddys used to do that to my jeep all the time after a good bout with the mud holes and then i looked closely and i had a collage of names and nasty sayings so i got to work with the scratch remover immediatley, that maguires scratch x works wonders