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heres the link if you havent see it!!!

urple: http://kingofallmedia.buzznet.com/user/video/9263
heres the link if you havent see it!!!urple:
Can't we all get along!
Sparky's post when TC announced the painful yet economical decision to buy a foreign car:
"TC, I know you and I have had our disagreements on the "buy American" issue, and that aside, I know how this must have tormented you. Nothing to feel bad about. You've got to take care of your family, as I know they come first for you, right? Even if that means sacrificing your firm patriotic beliefs. Even if I was on the other side of the fence as a "buy American only" person I wouldn't fault you. I can't see how you can afford to raise 5 kids to begin with, and what with spending $450 a month in gas, well, that's just crazy!! I got a lot of respect for you, and it doesn't change for this. "
Jeepers turning on Jeepers is proof positive that Wal Mart is the Devil!!!
For every printed rag or sociopathic blogger you read on the internet claiming to know exactly what is going on in a corporate boardroom, I can find one to say the exact opposite. So don't go posting articles written by someone that supports the agenda you've been brainwashed into adopting, because there are just as many (and occasionally more) people on the other side of the fence that have been brainwashed with a different detergent. Original ideas and opinions are one thing, but parrotted commentary is just annoying. If you don't want to be in a p1ssing contest, keep it in your pants. We've heard it all, and there's nothing more to say, so why insist on dredging up the same old drivel time after time after time? It's getting old real damn fast, and then the mods wonder why we can't get any new members. I know of at least two members who have left because of the crap, and one more that might leave if the WalMart-type bashing bu11sh1t continues. Walk a mile?.....he11, walk a lifetime, buddy..
"Just go hug a tree" - not only close-minded, but completely irrelevant to this topic.South that is a great article wrote by somebody with an agenda just the same as yours. NOBODy has to sell thier stuff thru wal-mart. There are atleast 10 other big chains that they could sell thier stuff at not to mention the thousands of others. It only makes sense anyway that the more you sell the less you have to have for each . If i can sell a product at $1.00 profit but only sell 10,000 or sell 100,000 at $.50 proit thru wal-mart , i would say i come out ahead. you can preach all ya want but bottom line it is a free market and nobody has to chooes to sell thru wal-mart. You guys cant come up with any good points on why wal-mart is bad so you jump from china , to health care and squeezeing people out of profit. Dont shop there i dont care . I dont even shop there that much but it drives me crazy how you all listen to the news and artices with a bias and take it all in as truth. I am sure the whole global warming thing is caused by us to. No way it is a natural cycle of the earth. You people are all the same, just go hug a tree. I am done talking about it because nobody is going to change thier mind because of what somebody writes on here.
Sparky, I would appreciate if you left comments that involve my personal life or comments about me personally out of the boards. You and I have butted heads way too many times for us to get too involved with discussions directly between the two of us. We both have been asked to avoid doing that again, so let's avoid it.
Here ya go Sparky... http://bigpicture.typepad.com/comments/2006/09/what_does_walma.html
I see your point. I guess it's a difference of opinion. I, too, make enough money to have my lawn well kept (and can get a darn good deal on it since I work for the company that could do it). However, I enjoy getting out and working in the yard with my wife. To us, it's quality time spent together. And it gives us a sense of satisfaction to see the fruits of our labor. You see, I guess the difference between you and I or between the people I mentioned in my post and I, is that even though I have the money to pay someone to do a lot of the things I want done, I get no satisfaction from spending money. I do, however, get a great deal of satisfaction from putting in a few hours a weekend working in the yard or on the house, and then sitting back and admiring my work. That's why it pained me so much to have to pay someone to put the lift on my Jeep for me. If I'd had the time, space, and energy, I would have done it. I'm not dissing you or anyone else for wanting not to do the work yourself. That's fine. My brother is the same way, he'd rather pay someone to work for him than do it himself. To each his own. I like it my way, you like it your way, and I'm ok with that. But, I still can't bring myself to pick up dog poop, nor would I consider paying anyone else to do it.....that's just one of my quirks. I leave it there for free fertilizer! Of course, I do understand also that in Wichita and probably other cities, many of the homeowner associations do not allow dog poop on the ground, even in a fenced in back yard. That's a bit anal, if you ask me. Another reason I don't like HOA's.
EDIT: Oh, and BTW, thanks for hiring a landscaper crew! They need work, too!!
I am more than happy to give them the work. However, landscaping crews down here have more than enough work. I just had to get a new company because the one I hired decided they had too much work and wanted to almost double the rates and see who stuck. Not me brotha, I enjoy paying them to do the work but for a fair rate.
As far as the German car, check into it TC. Good chance it might have been made in the USA. I have one of the largest Nissan factories in the world right down the road from me. It employs more people than both Walmarts in my town, and prob the surrounding towns too. Alot of my friends work there and they are very high quality cars/trucks. My dad's chevy(GM right?), made in a factory in Canada. So in essence his American truck is an import where the Nissan vehicles are made 15 minutes from us. The name is the only thing that is American or import anymore. I mean literally every new car on the market has safety features designed by volvo. The Nissan Titan has a very similar suspension to American trucks. I could go on. Once one company has a new revelation and improves their vehicles every other manufacturer steals the idea and puts it into their own products whether it's import or not.
We've heard it all, and there's nothing more to say, so why insist on dredging up the same old drivel time after time after time? It's getting old real damn fast, and then the mods wonder why we can't get any new members. I know of at least two members who have left because of the crap, and one more that might leave if the WalMart-type bashing bu11sh1t continues. Walk a mile?.....he11, walk a lifetime, buddy.
Remember a long time ago when you told us to tell you when you were "doing it again"? You are doing it again. :-|
Sparky, you sir are one of the prime examples of one that repeats the "same old drivel time after time after time" as you put it. And as far as the "WalMart-type bashing BS", you are bashing just as much on the Pro WalMart side. It is still bashing. Remember a long time ago when you told us to tell you when you were "doing it again"? You are doing it again. :-|