vacuum lines off of valve cover


New member
I bought an 85 CJ last year. The vent (hole, whatever the hell it is) in the front of the valve cover (not the oil fill, but the front hole that has a line coming off of it) has a line running to the carb (stock carter BBD trash). The rear hole in the valve cover has a line stuck in it that runs under the battery tray and isn't attached (just basically drains onto the ground). This line coming out of the back hole doesn't fit well and there is oil all over the underside of the hood where it is blowing oil around the fitting (can you say blowby?). Question is, what can I put there to keep the oil from going everywhere. I know it's supposed to be hooked to the carb somewhere, but the jeep runs ok (for having the carter anyway) with it like it is. I'm just tired of cleaning up oil (not to mention the fact that I don't want it starting a fire when it drips down on the manifold). I was going to get a weber for the jeep and figured I'd do an clifford valve cover at the same time and get everything right, but just had a baby and the wife's cut off my jeep funds.... Thanks for the help.

Hi, when I first got my '85 CJ I had to go through and replace about 90% of the vacuum hoses, and needless to say, it was a pain-in-the-ass! Here is a vacuum hose diagram. Follow this and it will help you out. The front hose does run to the carb, which is the PCV air out. The back hose should run from the air cleaner. This is the PCV air in.

Good luck!
If you don't have the stock air cleaner anymore you can put a little vent filter in the rear valve cover grommet. You can find them at parts stores for a couple bucks. Plastic housings with a filter in them that stick right into the grommet just like the PCV fits.
Makes sense as to why it's not hooked up now. The PO took it off cause it was blowing oil into the air cleaner :( Engine runs strong, but of course it's got the good old rear main leak, valve cover leak, and then the blow by. I have a clifford aluminum valve cover on my trail rig and I noticed that before I got the engine rebuilt, it was blowing oil through the same line that was then soaking the air filter with oil. Now here's another question. Seems like I remember someone saying that one of the brands of aluminum valve covers had a plate shaped like l___l that was under that hole and allowed air to get through but of course would block any oil blowing up into the line. Anybody know what kind (maybe a quadratec?) that was, and would that work to stop the oil from coming through the line? I put a ton of cash into my trail rig and bought this one because, well, just because I wanted it and had my first jeep like I wanted it. Wife's making it a little hard to throw cash at this one though, so I'm trying to live with it like it is and fix the little stuff as best I can.

I've seen the type of filter that jay is talking about. In fact, on a write-up of a Weber install, one guy uses that breather filter instead of running the PCV air-in line to the filter. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think those are used in some import vehicles? Anyways, filtered air should be coming in to the valve cover there, but it seems you have the opposite. I guess the various leaks that you have may be to blame. As for the anti-blowback valve cover you are talking about, I don't know of anything like that. I would think that any new valve cover with a proper seal might solve your problem. I have a Mopar valve cover, and no drilling was required to install it. On the other hand, you might want to make sure that your vacuum system is functioning properly and not running reverse of what it should be, or that the vacuum is strong enough to pull the air through properly. Again, good luck!