Vacation pics


New member
RE: Soft top repair

welp my friends... here you have it. Just a few glimpses of the good times I had on my trip.


... on the way there, this was our business venture, our first attempt at making some extra spending cash... "ham sandwiches $1, honk if you're hungry"


Just a shot of me on the beach, scraggly beard and all...


I met up with a friend down there, and went to eat at a place where another friend works. There were some kiddies skateboarding outside, it was April fool's day, so I had to do something. The kids go "did y'all just put that sign up?"... haha.. they all went in and bought a drink


My friend's dog, actually a very nice dog. I know how to push buttons..


One more lookin into the sun. When we got to the beach that day, I swear there were girls running in slow motion, side by side. I've never seen anything like that before.

Great time I had. Leavin to go home in the morning. I was supposed to leave already but the driver didnt' feel like going (and my hometown got a load of snow overnight, waiting for that clear up)

RE: Soft top repair

Snitty said:
When we got to the beach that day, I swear there were girls running in slow motion, side by side. I've never seen anything like that before.
i've seen something similar on baywatch before...

hi-jack question, what do you shave your head with? i was shaved for about 6 months, used the headblade ( worked marvelously, but still a pain none the less.
carb problem please help

Ok, whats wrong with you.....where's the shots of the girls running on the beach???

Believe it or not, they weren't running ON the beach... they were just leaving the beach. I got a pic, but they were walking by then. nothing special

I shave my head with a gillette sensor. but I buy some personna triple blade heads that fit it great. I shave it every friday. Then now and then I'll let it go for about a month. I've been shaving it since high school. I just can't have it another way, I love day 2... feels like sandpaper

RE: Score!

Mmmmmm, that sandwiche looks real good right now.
Nice Goat.

I'm glad you had fun Snitty, but next time do a little better when an opportunity to get pics of hot chicks in swimsuits.
RE: Name Your Dream Car (or Rig)...Money

I'm not here for females. I can see pictures of females in bikinis anywhere. I'm on vacation to do things I can't do at home, and to experience the things that western NY doesn't offer. Good weather being one of them. Although I can't say that I don't like lookin at the fems

Who said the pics of females were for YOUR benifit? :wink:
Re: RE: Name Your Dream Car (or Rig)...Money

oh.. well.. next time I'll use the rest of the cam memory on that
Re: RE: Re: RE: Farewell To the Pope

Snitty said:
I swear there were girls running in slow motion, side by side. I've never seen anything like that before.

Oh, I have....but they're generally running very fast in the opposite direction....... :cry:

Loved the skateboard story! Sounds like something I'd do! :lol: Have a safe trip home, bud.

RE: Re: RE: Re: RE: Farewell To the Pope

Leaving now. To my delight, my vacation partner just said last night... "I have a bad gut feeling man.. i don't really want to say it, but I'm feeling something about a car accident"

If there's anyone on earth who doesn't need another car accident, its me (PM me if you want the stories, I might get time to type them up)...

Welp.. the road becomes my bride
RE: Score!

i want a ham sandwich....... mmmmm food.... wait.. no... i want BACON... i'll pay 2$ for a Bacon and cheese sandwich ooh on toast.... do you take requests??

Snitty said:
I'm on vacation to do things I can't do at home

Chances are those girls weren't from New you can't really say that you could do them at home :wink: . I mean.....ummm....ya :shock:

RE: lift and tire questions

That was Wrightsville Beach in Wilmington

I get the "dimebag darryl" reference a lot. I also get Scott Ian a lot

Bacon... The first night I was there, I was fed more bacon than a human is supposed to handle

RE: Castrophe on the Interstate-Revolvers Save the Day

I have actually been looking forward to work since 4 days into my trip