today i was out riding out in the woods, and it tried to cross a log in a mud hole, and i got one wheel over, and then no go..... i couldnt really go either either way, the thing that was catching me was the bolts on the u-bolts, so when i get my lift some time later this month i have decide i am goin to do a u-bolt reversal.... does anyone have this or have experince with it, comments???[addsig]
today i was out riding out in the woods, and it tried to cross a log in a mud hole, and i got one wheel over, and then no go..... i couldnt really go either either way, the thing that was catching me was the bolts on the u-bolts, so when i get my lift some time later this month i have decide i am goin to do a u-bolt reversal.... does anyone have this or have experince with it, comments???[addsig]