Turbogus' long slow Team Rush upgrade

Well I finally found the Autolite 646 plugs in town, but the Copper Never Seize 11 miles away. So much for the consumer desert.
Before I pollute those new 646 plugs I ran the 65's through my mini sandblaster spark plug cleaner. It took a while, I think I need some new media but I only need a couple of fistfuls worth.
I gapped 'em out to 45 and stopped short. I've been zombie'n hard between sleep interference from this CPAP I'm mandated to use at night and the 11 hour day at the dock yesterday.

If anything, it hinders my sleep...

I occasionally turn in bed when I'm sleeping and when I do, the CPAP mask pulls on my face and if that doesn't wake me up the rush of air into my eyes sure does. Over the last couple of years I've been required to use this 'snake oil' device I've tried adjusting it and counselled with the organization to see if I'm doing something wrong, but it's been to no avail. I'm losing more sleep to the point of, when I am able, taking a nap in the back of my truck during lunch just to catch up.
Perhaps someday tech will catch up but with the current gear available one has to remain motionless on their back for the entire night.
It is only for the sake of maintaining my CDL that I'm required to use this damnable device. The ODOT Doc says since I'm over 50 and have a large neck I have sleep apnea and would not sign off on my medical card unless I got the sleep study (an EXPENSIVE ordeal in itself) and use the CPAP every night. It came equipped with a tattle tale element brodcasting if and how long I have it in use.

Sorry for the soapboxing but this damn thing really has my eire up. Commercial drivers, or even those of us in another field that just want to keep our CDL's are caught in this trap. Why not those that drive motor homes, bus conversions, motorcyles or bicycles?

Here ends my rant. My apologies to the thread.
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Yesterday afternoon at work turned out to be a screwed up fiasco, the likes of which I'll not go into here. Suffice to say I made no progress on this project last night. I found a very informative thread in the last couple of weeks on another forum by BusaDave concerning this upgrade. Between him and JeepHammer1 I think I've got it together in my head at least.
Yesterday after work I modified the route of the right bank spark plug wiring to go under the Bypass hose maintaining as best I could the wire seperation. When I get some more kazooks I'll get more wire sperators, or make some. I was getting Handyman magazine for a while and they kept sending me 'bonus' plastic bolt sizers. For part of this I cut a couple of rows off and used them as surrogate wire seperators.

I also got some more fine blast media and cleaned up the fuel fouled 65's I had on hand from a couple of years ago. I don't have a lot of faith in HF stuff but for cleaning up spark plugs this dingus air spark plug cleaner


works pretty good. I got 'em all installed but for the odd angle on #8 I heard that distictive crunch that meant I broke the porcelain so I had to pull it and clean up another one. By the time I got done it was two hours after dinnertime so I called it a day. I may try starting her up tonight.
I re-routed the wiring for the right bank to go under the Bypass hose to get it away from the Coil wire


:D :D :D

"Black Betty" is on the road again and downright 'peppy' I don't think she's ever ran this good since I got her.
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Day two using those sandblasted plugs and still running like a champ. I'm beginning to think those 646 plugs can wait until my next tune up, or until I can afford the MSD 6.


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'Black Betty' is STILL running good as steady state so far, since I'm still trying to get on top of the ABS in 'BBB' I may forego the MSD 6a box for the time being.




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It's a good thing I kept on using that damnable CPAP, I got thouwn out on my @ss from my 29 year long work at a bus station and now I'm driving again.

The 'difference' is when I turn in bed the mask deforms and start blowing air into my eyes. I loathe this 'snake oil' device, for reasons I mentioned earlier in this thread...:p
last year I got a Standard/Blue Streak cap and rotor

Were you able to get blue streak points also? I've been having a hard time finding decent points for my tractor.

I've been plagued with back aches [bad disks] for close to 40 yrs. While a little uncomfortable those back braces do help! I think it's partly the extra support and partly because it prevents you from bending in bad positions.
