Tugly has a new friend!


New member
Well I was out running errons this morning and ran up on this cracker in an over sized Pick up. All cause he had smoe great big ol tires and some lift he thought he was all of that and a bunch more. I ask him to go wheelen but he said no, Just like I figured all show and no go. Told him he was chicken and his truck was a wimp. Offered to run title for tilte to the top of No Business and back and he was just to afarid. hehehehehe You all know that aint true but it was nice to ge up close and personal with Big Foot at a local tire shop. Garlands Tire Center. This was a big thing to happen in such a small town. Tug


I want me one of them in my Jeep!

Tugly and her new friend!

Looking out my windows what do I see? Big Foot Big Foot Looking back at me. hehehehe
You would have SMOKED him. He wouldn't make it the entire distance! Tug, go back and challenge him. Then, I'll help you part out that engine. :)
you say "all show no go"?... well... Big Foot can do a lot more than we can do in many aspects... there's a lot of "go" in those truck... but, put them on the trail, and they are only in the way

At least you have a winch. I'm sure he doesn't.
Speaking of lights, tailgate light???

Pssst Tug...um dont piss him off Dude he has been known to run over any thing smaller than his truck.

Snitty I was just haven a bunch of fun there buddie Heck I know what them trucks can do. Just take a look at my poor pittyfull little Jeep all up in there with that big boy. The Crew there today was all great folks and we had a big ol long BS session. Went back a second trip to show it to Jake my 13 year old. I was not pressing the race to much did not want tread marks on my roof. Told the Firestone Rep. I was not to sure I would want a head start, I know I cant out run you and I can not stand the thought of your catching me either, hehehe. Craig you got a point about the winch I do have something he dont have. It was a great chance to see it up close and marvel at the craftsmanship involved in such a truck. tug
That is way cool tug.I have never even seen a monster truck up close.You lucky dog.My money is on tug,and put the winch to use.He may need you to winch him up the hill. :lol: