Transmission mount


New member
I replaced my transmission mount because my transfer case was sitting on the skid plat. I figured the mount was bad. Pick up a new on and went to install it. It came with 2 rubber bushing things. I have no Idea where they go. The mount went right on to the transmission and the skid plate but the t-case still sits on the skid plate. Do the rubber things go between the skid plate and the mount? The grooves in the rubber bushings don't match any holes.

are they circles w/ holes in the middle? if they are that are the thoque stud bushings they are to the drivers side of the transmission...
Yes they are. About an inch diameter with a hole. Like a really think rubber washer with a tapered end that looks like it is supposed to go into a hole. Is it even part of the mount area? they are like 3/4 inch thick so they would not have fit with the old munt. It had studs and nuts. The new mount required bolts frim the skid plate so I used some I had laying around.
one goes over the bracket on the Tcase, one goes between the bracket and the skid.. they are bushings to absorb shock either way it shifts

But there are 2 bolts so so they bo in between the bolts? There is no indentation to hold it.