transfer case fluid changed... you gotta do it too!


Active member

the other day i was out changin' the transmission fluid in my girlfriend's toyota, and i thought i'd take a look at my transfer case... (i have the select-trac NP242 transfer case) there are 2 BIG bolts (about 30-32mm most likely, i just used an adjustable) and cranked both bolts out. one is the drain, one is fill. i popped the top one out first (fill) and stuck my finger in. pulled it out and looked at my dry, now dirty finger. from there, i pulled my drain pan under and pulled out the drain plug. about a quart of old dirty ATF fluid came falling out... gross! i let it all drain out, and put the drain plug back in (the bottom one)... then i used my oil-hand-pump to throw the new, fresh ATF back in the thing through the fill hole... you have to get a pump for this unless you wanna use a straw and use the suck & blow method :) lol... because there isn't enough room to tip a bottle up in the air so the new fluid will go in easily.

reactions: a few weeks ago i put my jeep in 4wd and it took a LONG time to fall in to gear... prolly a mile or so... and after it supposedly popped into gear, it was makin' all sorts of clunky noises and acting like i was in part-time on concrete, even tho i was in full-time...

anyways... now... i pop it into 4wd, and it just quitely clicks into gear and rides trouble free... i LOVE MYSELF!!! :)

and my jeep too...

edited by: dingus, Jun 04, 2003 - 12:07 PM[addsig]


Thats a good idea.Ill put on my list of things to do. :wink: Sully[addsig]

Put "Check Transmission and Transfer Case Fluid Levels" on the preventive maintance list. I check mine monthly at least. Tug

edited by: Tug-n-pull, Jun 05, 2003 - 01:18 AM[addsig]