Trail Update From the Tennessee Run!


New member

Today we spent time with the ladies and had a blast. Started out with a nice reakfast and then off to the oldest town in the Tennessee Jonesborough. Toured the town and a few of the shops and went to vist a friend at a pash Bed and breakfast down town in the historical distric.

Later we took the ladies to Dark Holler where it is not real rough but still nice back country trail riding. Chris aka Wranglerwhat94 got his big mud bath and he is preforming like an ol hand out there by the way. A word to his folks by the way both Chris and Kristen are two of the best young people that I have ever had the pleasure to be in the company of. Be proud of these two and yourselfs for raiseing such responceable well mannered thoughtful kids. They are always welcome here with me Momma Tug and my boys.

Adam aka Green reaper is with out a word of hesatation a wild man. He gets the trophy for the biggest splash in a mud hole. Man did he ever hit one hard today. I had a disk go bad and my opics are on that one. PASmokeaters pics of this will be ok I hope. we also have video to be posted a little later.

Rob aka PASmokeater has been a great trail guide and spotter for the trip. His TJ with the new lift and Big ol Geolanders are preforming very well. Took on the biggest deepest mud hole we have found and ezed thru 2 wd and in forward reverce and across the berms sideways. Rob and Toshi are like family to us.

Tonight we took a ride across the highest mt in the area locals call it beauity spot. The citys off in the distance were so wonderfull to see. The stars are so bright. God has blessed this trip and we are so happy and safe in each others company.

We are all one big happy family and are on top of the world. If you can come on down up or over from where you are. Do so and know you will be welcome. Here is a few new pics. tug

This is are Jeep Line Up!
This is our home base. The large Tent is cover for all of our living area and the small tents are set up under the 28' x 28' tent. Provides shade and dry on our camp.

This is PASmokeater placeing a Mud V on Chris's forhead for doing so well in the mud. He is no longer a virgin to the mud run! hehehe

Here is Chris with the mud mark! Don't he look proud?

Here is how he earned his mud mark!

Here is Adam aka Greenreaper93 and Beth Prior to the The big mud splash!

And after! We had to remove his soggy soaked Fram air filter and empty about a pint of mucky water from his air box!

momma Tug aka Rene', Toshi, Kristine, and Rob early today!

And a few trail pics! Nothing real wild just on the trail. Wild will come in a day or so! Tug


edited by: Tug-n-pull, Jul 09, 2003 - 12:09 PM[addsig]


All I can say is that is great and I am happy for ya'll.
Ofcourse I can't wait to see pics' but I am in awe' I can't
even put in words what I wanna say but have fun.....JH :-D [addsig]

cool pics.. can't wait to see the rest when rob & toshi get back home... They are missed - especially with this nice weather we are having for a change... I'm gonna have to see about making hte trip next year.... looks like fun![addsig]

Words cant describe......boy,you guys are just having way to much fun.Great pics. Sully[addsig]


You guys are really having fun and seem to be bonding bigtime! Makes me jealous and happy at the same time. My girl has a very well-built TJ and I have my Sandy (stock YJ for now). We'll both be free from the clutches of our parents by January. We'll see you next guys! -Mike :-D [addsig]

I am glad ya'll had fun and were safe , by the way those are some good looking pictures....... :-O :-D :-O [addsig]