track bar

Unlike the swaybar, the track bar keeps the front axle centered under the frame and in relation to the rear axle, square. You can eliminate the swaybar as some people would suggest but if you drive it on the highway(high speeds), i strongly recommend against it.
On an '87-'95 YJ it's my opinion that you can remove the rear track bar with no ill effect. You can also remove the front but you will notice a slight change in handling. I'd recommend taking them off, rear first, and taking it for a test drive, see if it's for you.

I run with no swaybar and no track bars, it's not for everybody but it works for me.

If you take off the front traction bar you will feel the axle wonder a little when turning. Once you get use to it the movement is no big deal. There is less movement if you do a shackle reversal up front.

I just had to get a longer track bar for my TJ. You'll find that if you lift your Jeep (and keep the stock bar), the trackbar will pull your axle to one side.

how much do those run?
im going to lift 4" as soon as i man up and buy it

Adjustable trackbars are more for TJ's and their finicky coil spring suspensions. Should you decide to keep the front track bar, you simply need a bracket on the axle end to raise the mounting location. Rough Country makes a good stout bracket for cheap.

Most YJ 4" lift kits will include brackets to relocate the front and rear trackbars.
so once lifting my jeep 4"
would you suggest running with or without track/sway bar???
its a dd and mostly side streets, a couple miles on freeway. i would like to drive it to trails and back without wrry. u kno.
thnx 4 the help
A lot of how it handles without the trackbar or swaybar depends on how stiff the lift springs are. I think the best suggestion is to try it and see if it's for you.

On a YJ I dont think you will notice much of difference to run it with out the sway bar.I never tried to run with out the track bar.