too long of a parking brake cable??


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slip yoke relocation?

I went to buy all the stuff I need to rebuild the brakes in my D44 today and I needed to get new parking brake cables... I decided to get XJ cables (xj is what I got my d44 out of) because I rember someone mentioning that one of the cables will be too short if I use my stock YJ cables... SO my question is will I be able to use a longer xj cable on a YJ? or should I just go buy a new YJ cable for the side that is shorter? (I don't remember which side IS shorter if anyone can help with that too) Thanks

it is the left side which is shorter. i am running into the same problem with my 9 inch. both of my e-brake cables are the same lenght but are too long. i have a feeling that they have to be shortened up in order to work. I think this is required because of the way in which the e-brake cable system is set up.
The ebrake cables that you are talking about, are they from your YJ or did they come with the 9 inch? So should I go buy 2 YJ ebrake cables or only one left side YJ ebrake cable...

looks pretty good. thanks Joopin!! whooo it even says i can use my stock e-brake cable...woot!!