Tom the Peeper just won't go away!


New member
Soooooooooooo, my peeper is back. Funny after I had the cops out three times the first week when I found this guy he didn't come back for a month and a half.

Over the last three weeks I keep finding evidence of him being back though. I have done everything I can to block my bedroom windows with layers of things that will prevent him from seeing in. I hope this works.

I dont' know what else to do. When I found the last evidence a week or so ago I was so mad I could have exploded right there in my yard. I almost put a sign on my window that said if I caught him again I would blow his brains out or carve his heart out if I had to. :shock: That is not my mentality either! I know now what anger and passion can do to make you irrational.

I haven't called the cops again for fear they will think I'm a fruitcake. My evidence may not mean much to an outsider but it means something to me.

I really don't want to move at this time. I just moved here last December, and the house location and its rent costs are working for me.

I wish I knew what was in this lamebrained guys head. I worry that he intends to do more than peep, but if he did wouldn't he have done it already?

There is a law in Maryland that you can't physically harm someone even if they are destructing or stealing your property.

I haven't gotten a deadly arm yet because I can't make a decision on it. It's a huge war inside me, because I never ever wanted to bring arms into my household. I fear they are unsafe for others in the house, children etc.

If I had a weapon and it was under lock and key (to protect children) then how would it save me if someone was in my house or my bedroom?

Then, I fear If I had a gun I wouldn't hesitate to kill someone if I woke up and they were standing over me or touching me. I don't want that on my soul.

Course, I don't want to die either. Currently, I sleep with a somewhat large curved blade beside me.

Sometimes I wish I was a dude. This is insane.


what about like camera or somthing so you can record the perv? That way you can bring the tape to the police insted of making them think you are a nutjob. I say if you don't NEED a gun..don't get one.
I would suspect that you are pretty safe from this looser. I think the Camera thing is probably the best thing you could do. There are 2 ways to have it help you. 1 make it hidden then catch his face, or 2 make it visible in the window and he will not want his face cought and he will dissapear. From what I have heard about Peepers their worst fear is to get caught so If there is a chance they will find another window to peep in.

One other suggestion--- Take a few pieces of wood with some 3 inch naild driven in them and put a layer of dirt on the wood so it is not visible in the dark. I am sure you would know he was there when he screems in pain..
avyoung said:
I would suspect that you are pretty safe from this looser. I think the Camera thing is probably the best thing you could do. There are 2 ways to have it help you. 1 make it hidden then catch his face, or 2 make it visible in the window and he will not want his face cought and he will dissapear.

Get one of the night vision cameras that you can hook to your VCR - they are cheap. Mount it where it is hard to see and see if you can catch him on film. If you get him on film, take it to the police and file charges. Yes, he may go somewhere else, but the best thing is to get him arrested, otherwise the next place could be some kids room or worse.

avyoung said:
One other suggestion--- Take a few pieces of wood with some 3 inch naild driven in them and put a layer of dirt on the wood so it is not visible in the dark. I am sure you would know he was there when he screems in pain..

Very bad idea. Doing that is the same as taking a baseball bat to him. You will get arrested for it.

Or you might be tired one morning. GO out to grab the paper and AH! Your a victum of your own trap.
Being arrested isn't the end of the world.....being attacked by some wierdo might be though. Get an alert dog and a gun. That's the two best friends you can have in this situation. A simple motion detector activated floodlight mounted out of reach usually solves this problem though.

What about those 3 men in Baltimore that shot the intruder who robbed them 2 previous times. They sat with the lights off, and when the idiot broke in the 3rd time, they took him out. All three of them were cleared of all charges. He apparently charged them - bad move.

I would get a shotgun, maybe even a small one like a 20 guage. Easy to use, point and shoot. Put some small steel bird shot in it. If he does come in, aim low. You won't kill him, but if you take out a knee or two he won't be able to chase you or run away. You might even turn him into a unic :shock: If he never does come in, you don't have to use it. You can use deadly force if an intruder has entered your home and you are in jeopardy. I think stalking you and then illegally entering your home would be plenty enough to show that his intentions were to harm you. You have police reports to support it.

Sorry you have to deal with this ignorant little mouse of a man. A good shotgun blast to the kneecaps is just what that bastrd needs. The more this guy gets away with stuff, the more risks he will be willing to take. Don't be afraid to call the police. Even if they do think you're nuts, at least you will have recorded the events and if you do need to defend youself you will be just in doing so.

Lady, I respect how you feel about firearms, but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do. Especially if no one else will.
Don't move should not leave you home because of some sicko. I caught a racoon with my camara and night vision it worked pretty good. I know its not the same but it did work. I think you are doing the right thing....a blade under your pillow, doors locked and some thick curtains. If you do catch him on camara bring it to the police and have him arrested, end of story nobody gets hurt. and if you dont get him then he's obviously not coming around.
Take care, and good luck

I wouldnt move either. I think the camera idea is good. maybe get 2 or 3, one of him comin in and another of him at your window. Maybe a paintball gun?? hide in the bushes, leave your light on in room and wait for the sicko to come and unload.

Here in Texas we have a way of dealing with punks like that. I like the ideas about a board with long nails in it but understand the legality issue. Here in Texas you cannot set traps like that. I would set things up to where he cannot peep witout leaving evidence and then try to pattern him (if he comes every day, every other day, weekends, etc) then I would contact the police and try to get this guy busted.

If that does not work, you might need to get some men to help you. Just let some men sit outside and hide waiting for this guy to show up, then catch him and hold him down until the police show up. I would say just be safe. Don't put yourself at risk. If you feel danger get a gun, but don't do it unless you plan to use it if need be. I always tell people this. If you have a gun and have no intention of using it if the situation arises, there is a chance that the gun could be used on you.
Yea the nail thing would not be good legally but it would sure be fun to walk out after his screeming and see a big piece of plywood stuck to his feet. It would also make running hard. I honestly thing the camera is your best bet. Like mentioned before if there is some sort of pattern then you could get him caught a little easier. It would be easy to get a pattern if there is a flower garden in by the window. Rake it every day then check for footprints. If it is grass you would have to get a little more creative but find a way to tell when he is there. The problem is that police cars are pretty easy to spot so catching him is pretty much up to you and a camera, or maybe a few friends.

OOOOHHH I got another Idea. Ask your landlord if you can put up some motion lights by your window. They will not peep if others can see them Peeping. It may be annoying for a little while while you get used to it but it would at least keep them away from your window.

You are allowed to shoot someone if they break into your house. Period. If they intend to cause bodily harm to you, you are free to protect yourself at all costs, including killing the SOB. Dont want to freak you out Lady, but you need to protect yourself. TC had a good idea, get a nice little shotgun and do a little practicing. Load it up with some bird shot and WHAMO! He will get one hell of a wake up call.
The nail board idea: "Officer, I don't know where that came from! Some kids must have thrown it there."

We've been throught the motion light thing in your last thread. I think you mentioned you couldn't do that due to your landlord's restrictions. Camera's good. But if you can't afford it, a FAKE camera can work to persuade him to leave. With an L.E.D. shining bright and red to indicate: "You're being recorded...bastard!"

I did a search, and there are a bunch of sites who specialize in fake security cameras and they are all like 15-20 bucks each:

have a webcam? use it as a surtveilance cam - put it in the window where it is not so obvious. You can record the videon on the computer.

That is a good Idea I have seen Webcams for as little as $10 at Wal-Mart. It may not work the best but it will capture a face.
That's a lot of memory though. Then, she'd have to review it all of the time and erase the files with no intrusions. We are talking about video for 24 hours a day. That's quite a bit to record.
how to ship

Also check out They have actual security cameras (some of the mini) for reasonable prices (e.g. $59-$79). You could easily hide these and actually get the bastard rather than maybe scare him away and still not have any actual proof of his actual trangressions.

The $79 could be plugged into a VCR to record pretty much 'round the clock. You just might have to change tapes every 6-8 hours.

Had a budding bunch of young car thieves around here for awhile. Tore out half of my dash to get to a $20 radio, broke the side window on a few other cars.
Looked out the window one night and saw them holding a blanket up to the side of a car, fixing to break the window. Let the dogs loose.
Great show, the two guys were screaming and running like heck, the dogs were barking and having a good old time.
Police finally showed up, siren going, screaming thieves, dogs barking, made a heck of a racket at 2 AM. Nieghbors applauded when the dogs came back home, with there tongues hanging to the ground.
If your affraid of legal action, because of the dog. Get insurance, dog insurance costs me about $80 a year.
Barking dog is usually enough, thieves and other evil doers, will go somewhere else.
Against the law to set a dog on somebody most places, you can always say what I said, went out to check on the noise and the dogs ran out between my legs, thieves ran and the dogs chased them. Worked for me.