To wave or or not to wave.

I'll initiate a wave to other Wrangler (CJ/YJ/TJ/JK) drivers, I'll return a wave to any Jeep driver. Some return the wave, others don't.

This has also been discuss quite a bit in another thread... The Jeep Wave
No one around here waves. If they did I would wave back, but people look at you crazy if you wave to them and you don't know them.

No one around here waves. If they did I would wave back, but people look at you crazy if you wave to them and you don't know them.
I was under the impression that the wave was a Wrangler thing.
rayko said:
I was under the impression that the wave was a Wrangler thing.

Around here (South Texas) it is a Jeep thing AND also a long standing tradition amongst those who drive 4x4 vehicles that are lifted w/big tires... ( i guess its what is now considered the old school "look" of 4x4's)....

[☠]lllllll[☠] 89 YJ ...SOA +6.5...44"Trxus' I Love my dirtYJeep! [☠]lllllll[☠]

I only get a handful of waves here in Montana too. I put a post on the rants and raves section of craigslist and ended up starting a two week argument. One person even emailed me directly and told me people are most likely not waving due to the ignorant manner in which I drive. I got a chuckle out of it.

Regardless...I still wave at every Wrangler I pass and I'd say 2 out of 10 wave back. Maybe it's just the people here.
I put a post on the rants and raves section of craigslist and ended up starting a two week argument. One person even emailed me directly and told me people are most likely not waving due to the ignorant manner in which I drive. I got a chuckle out of it.

I've had dealings with these beings as well, and truly believe these parasites troll craig's list because they've been banned from every other social media source on the internet... This comment is just further evidence of this hypothesis...
I always wave to jeeps when I can, everytime I see a jeep on the streets i look at it, if the owner looks at me I wave....only when looks angry or a mad face I dobt wave haha

Always get a wave from CJ's, YJ's, & TJ's but only about 30% maybe from JK's. Seems to be a lot more "Higher Class" folks driving Jeeps that just will never get it. I'll always wave, fellow Jeepers are fellow Jeepers. ( unless I'm messin with my radio and miss you then I apologize)

Sent from my iPod touch using Jeepz

I'll initiate a wave to other Wrangler (CJ/YJ/TJ/JK) drivers, I'll return a wave to any Jeep driver. Some return the wave, others don't.

This has also been discuss quite a bit in another thread... The Jeep Wave

I agree with gotta-p, I'll initiate the wave or returm it, to any Wrangler. No other Jeep model drivers have ever given me a Jeep wave.
Only people in wranglers wave here that's all I wave to but people ussually only wave if it's nice out and top is off don't get to many in cold weather I always wave to other wranglers and occasionally lifted Cherokees im in nebraska tho

I don't wave.

doesn't matter if I am driving my 41 plymouth, my motorcycle or my jeep, I simply don't wave, just because you drive a similar vehicle doesn't mean your my friend.
jps4jeep said:
I don't wave.

doesn't matter if I am driving my 41 plymouth, my motorcycle or my jeep, I simply don't wave, just because you drive a similar vehicle doesn't mean your my friend.

Explains your avatar.....