To sale Jeezabell, or not to sale Jeezabell?


New member

In the morning I will bite the bullet and ask the guy for his answer about buying my Jeep! I have been so depressed about this but I live by a code.
1. Nothing is above selling as long as you get your price.
2. If an offer to sell is made and refused, it is null and void at that point. Then to reopen the deal the seller has the right to reset his or her asking price.
3. If and an offer to sale is made and accepted it is a done deal.
4. If an offer to sale is made and the buyer negotiates a price and the reoffer is accepted by the seller it is a done deal.
Now here is the clincher in this deal as the buyer is a smart cookie!
5. If an offer is made to sale and the buyer request a reasonable time to decide to take it or not, you must give the buyer that time to decide.
He ask for 5 days to make up his mind and I have replayed this over and over in my mind ever sence. It is killing me. Did I offer to sale my jeep to cheap! Can I live with myself to see someone else driving her around town, or worse on the trails. This has had me so melloncollie that I just have had a hard time of it.
Part of me wants him to say NO but part wants him to say yes. Yes means it is a job well done and worth the price I offered it for. NO means it is not as good as I think it is money wise any ways. I will just be glad it is over.

However if he takes it I may be driving an 1967 Kiser CJ5 with a PTO winch and V6 before dark the same day. Back to square one. Needing a lift, tires, ect........ Crazy how these jeeps get in your blood. Tug


I will keep my fingers crossed ....Pull through it .... :-D [addsig]

If you do sell sell the jezzabel, and the '67 know it it will never be a great trail rig w/ major frame modifications, it is a C channel frame that is weak, and needs to be boxed for stregenth (sp) the front is a dana 27 which is weaker than a 30, the rear could either be a 1 or 2 piece dana 44 with a really bad offset to the right side, the transmission is an unsyncronized 3 speed, the t-case is pretty good, but the engine id it is a buick 225V6 is a great engine, putting out around 200hp and 225ft/lbs.... i am a very small guy and getting in and out of my cj is tough for me, and i have about given up as driving it as a DD, and im lookin for a K5 blazer..... i would pass on that jeep unless you jsut want one to cruise around in on sundays, b/c it will be a terrible DD, and will take some work to make it a good trail rig..... good luck tug :-D [addsig]

Tug, despite your monetary and emotional investment in Jezzabell, she is merely a pile of rubber, metal, wire, plastic and glass methodically assembled. Jezzabell is a replaceable object.

Your integrity and sense of self respect are, on the other hand, unique, irreplaceable and of incalculable worth. When the rubber hits the road, those personal qualities are what will count.

The fact that you are obviously struggling with this decision speaks well of you. Sometimes, living by a rigid personal code hurts -- a lot.

But, I think that you know what is "right."

I think that you will do what is "right."

I hope the above does not come across as an overly preachy lecture. It is offered only as my $00.02 worth of perspective.

Very respectfully submitted,


edited by: Inspector-Gadget, Jul 17, 2003 - 08:46 PM[addsig]


There are two guarantees either way... whether you sell it, or you keep it... you will regret your decision for some reasons, and you will also be glad of your decision for some reasons... You might not even be able to put the situations on the scales right now... sometimes you have to go through it once to know how to deal with it for the next time... and like said before... you're an auctioneer... you're only doing what you see people do all the time, and what you help people do all the time.... look at some of the people you have sold for... see how they reacted to letting go of their prize trophies... is it worth it? maybe, maybe not... but again.... either way, you'll regret and praise your decision[addsig]

DON'T do it. This guy watched you build her up until he figured out, you had done enough work on her, he wanted her. Make him build his own. some around here say Jeeps aren't bought, they are built. Well, Jeeza is built, but ONLY for Tug. Not for some Harley Rider wanna be that buys an already custom bike and tries to call it his own.[addsig]

Don't do it Tug. Each jeeper has to make his jeep his own. Sell him the CJ5 instead. You can't let someone ride around in YOUR rig. Jeezabell was made by you for you. It was not made for someone else. Jeezabell reflects your personality. Make another offer instead for the CJ5. I'll keep my fingers crossed anyway though anyway.


I know this sounds bad and goes against your own personal code. Last May 2000 I sold my 98 Dodge 1500 with 12 inch in Arizona since I was moving to Utah and the lift laws saw no way with that much lift.
I saw that dodge on the road four times before I moved in June.. it broke my heart seeing some puke drive my hard earned sweat and blood.
It killed me to see it and I know it would kill you to see Jez drive by with some puke behind the wheel.
You have put your own sweat and blood into her. She and you are blood kin.
And we dont sell kin.

edited by: Utah_jeepster, Jul 18, 2003 - 11:40 AM[addsig]

It seems like everyone is selilng their jeeps! I unfortunatly may be making the same move. The jeep although I love it has caused me numerous headaches and problems and I may have found ann '02 WRX for an incredible price.....We will see. [addsig]

SO how did it go tell us what the out come is????????
we need to know TUG !!!!!!!! Tell us........... :-? :-? [addsig]


He Loves my Jeezabell and it looks like he may take it. He started to ask if I would take any less and before he got out the words I told him no it was a one time offer and frim at that. He went with me for a short run in the Dark Holler area and loved it. He is not a bad guy and would be a good jeeper. Has raced Motocross for years and says he is getting to old and the injuryies from raceing keeps him out of work to much. So Jeepen is the next step in the line of staying out there and playen in the dirt. He has driven a bunch of jeeps and says my ol girl is the best he has driven. He is taken his motor cycle to knoxvile in the morning and says he will have cash in hand next meeting if all goes well. So it looks like I may be selling her. That is ok I guess if you dance you have to pay the fiddler. I learned a buch from Jeezabell and next jeep will be bigger badder and even more of a hussie for the wife to complain about. So if it happens it happens just take the lumps and move on. tug[addsig]

Hey brother, when I first got my jeep, everyone looked the other way,and said what a piece of crap. Little by little I've improved it. Now people say , she is looking right, what a difference, how much do you want? my reply: not for sale ,Too much love and money for a real value. Never for sale at any price, o.k. maybe 50,000 I might consider, depends on what extras I add this paycheck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I get offers daily, from 1500-4500 Sorry Buddy buy your own jeep and start fixing it up, 8 months later, I'll try to lowball you, and see what exactly you have invested :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: sentimental value I guess. sweat ,love , emotions have no monetery value.

edited by: monsterrd, Jul 19, 2003 - 02:09 AM[addsig]


I'm with ya buddy....soon we'll both be under the Jeep doin' the least Momma Tug will have someone to play with this time LOL :lol:

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

it'll be a shame to see one jeep leave but another will take it's place. Never going to be jeezabell but something completely new. Good luck to both tug and jeezabell.

Don't do it. I been through a lot of hard times with my jeep. And the only thing that keeped me from selling it, was the fact of all the work i've done to it and all the money i put in it. If you buy another jeep that's more money and time.You have to do it all over again.Why do twice the work and spend twice the money. :-( [addsig]


Thanks Jeepers for the words. Both pro and con are all valaid points. However I have the Jeep bug bad and will never be with out one for any period of time. I have plans for the next jeep and can see it in my mind. I know it will be a YJ format. But a serious Off Road Ride first and street jeep only leagle enough to get me to get em to the trails and back. Not a Daily Drive.

I am just glad to have a sounding board full of folks that I can trust to say what they feel is in the best interest of my concerns. Thanks to each and everyone of you. I am sure if this works out it is the right thing to do no matter how much it hurts! Tug [addsig]