Tire Chain Options??


New member
i been doing some thinking and i think instead of buying lockers and putting myself at high risk or breaking axles i think i will buy chains for my 4 tires. i dont do alot of offroading but the rare time i do i can just put on my chains and hopefully it wil be abit better on my axles. what do you think? i do alot of deep snow and sometimes bog or mud. how do i go about purchasing chains for my tires (35x12.5r15 bfgs a/t) also what kind of price range and a good place to buy? i am gonna upgrade to the km2 when these tires wear out and i want the chains to work with these to. what are the advantages and disadvantages of chains. is it better traction and not so bad on my axles? for the amount of offroading i do i dont think i need lockers.

Dad always ran four chains on the old CJ5 and we got through everything in the winter (unless he high centered it - happened now and then) . You do get some slippage so they will be more forgiving on the axles. You can order them on line. The ones I got for my tractor came a little too big and I cut them down to fit. There are two basic types available, a "two link" and a "four link" . The two link has one cross chain for every two links of side chain and the four link has one cross chain for every four links of side chain. The two link is heavier and will give quite a bit better traction since it has double the cross chains, of course they are more expensive. I always tie the latches with safety wire - you don't want them to fall off at the worst possible time. The little Jeeps of WWII went everywhere, sometimes wearing chains... Best of luck - John
thanks alot i will look into this. do you have any idea where i would buy it or should i just check out ebay and online shops thanks again
When we got a heavy snow here in virginia last year, 18 inches. It bwas the first time I went to play in the snow with the jeep,didnt do to good. I got a little irrataded cause all I would do was spin in the snow,went and bought chains for all four tires,tire size 33x12.5. The chains cost me 200 dollars for all 4 tires,purchased them at the same place I bought the tires,so check out your local tire dealers for chains,or perhaps a tractor supply store.
once I put the chains on I had no problem driveing up hill in about 18 inches of snow,any deeper than that I think I would have had a problem with bottoming out on the snow.

thanks alot i will look into this. do you have any idea where i would buy it or should i just check out ebay and online shops thanks again

I think I got them from tirechains.com online. They have a huge selection. If you give them your tire specs they should be able to set you up. You might need to do a little customizing - save the extra parts for making repairs later. Best of luck - John