This looks promising...


Active member
Coming soon: A machine that would not only supply inverse reactive current for use in unilateral phase detractors, but would also be capable of automatically synchronizing cardinal grammeters.

See the infomational video here:

That ticks me off!

I designed a machine just like that some 50 years ago. Originally, the machine functioned as the oscillo-fluxadibillator module in the way-back machine used by the time-travelling dog, Peabody, and his pet boy, Sherman.

The prototype operates to this day in the Gadget Cave.

Here…I’ll turn it on and connect it to the Internet so you can see for yourself.

Click here:

The Lone Gadget
Well, I watched the video and all I can say is that I failed to elucidate his incalculable repost to the peak degree of accuracy for the straightforward fear of leaving the true course of rectitude . :lol:

Inspector-Gadget said:
..........I designed a machine just like that some 50 years ago. Originally, the machine functioned as the oscillo-fluxadibillator module in the way-back machine used by the time-travelling dog, Peabody, and his pet boy, Sherman.........The Lone Gadget

So, Gadget, when you designed it, did you use the "3DBB"?

4 wheel planet on speed

Do you think the guy in the video knows what hes talking about or is he an actor talking out his butt

The dumb azz ( ME ) with dial up doesn't get it. :?

RE: yj frame

I must have one of these right away! :shock:

Poindexter! Go fetch the car, we're off to the nearest Rockwell sales center. I hope dearly that they're not sold out by the time we arrive.
Dear me, and here I went and manually re-fanabulated the kneutenvalve's rotator splints using an old-school hydrodynamic flux/phase capacitation modulator... Being, of course, that the hyper inverse-magnetic retraction chamber was on the fritz AGAIN, and I was too lazy to drag out the magnetronic ion pulse flurnblatter. This product would have cut that lengthy little repair in half, if not better. I wonder if I can wire up the garage to accomodate such a device without burning it down... Also too, I'd be concerned as to how the Jeep's paint job would respond to unilateral phase detraction... :twisted:

The things I come up with when I am sleep-deprived...

Go to WalMart - they can help you out (really cheap, too). :mrgreen: