Thinking about a intake mod???


New member
i was thinking about changing my intake to give my 2.5L more power but i dunno what to do with it. is it possible to put a 62mm throtle body on the 2.5L 4cyl?? i was thinking about doing that and then getting a 62mm spacer from gsp.. any ideas guys

A 62mm TB and spacer for a '96-'04 will work, but the intake opening on the 2.5L is smaller than 62mm so you would want to open that up to take full benefit.

I sell 62mm throttle bodies and spacers if you're interested, at a fraction of retail cost.
what do you mean by i would have to open that up.. you mean cut away in the intake hole or what? do you dont sell the intakes as well or just the throttle body and is it new or used? PM me with info and prices if you what thanks
also one more question.. if i puts the 62mm TB and spacer on my 2.5L so i need to program or put a cheater on my map/maf/iat sensor?? because i am putting more volume of air in my engine

You just move the IAC from the 2.5L TB to the new TB. Other than that, the ECU will adjust itself (it takes a few days for it to do it right, but it will do it all by itself).

As for enlarging the intake manifold opening, it is not 100% necessary (you WILL feel the gains with the new TB, especially throttle response in the mid range, but you will not take 100% of the possible benefits unless you do it). Now, it is important to note that with the 2.5L, you cannot expect HUGE power gains from small mods like this; I have even more mods (read my sig), and the difference IS felt, but it is still not like having a 4.0L under the hood... Just so you are not expecting more than you will get. Overall, would I recommend this mod? ABSOLUTLY!