Thermostat and Autozone and a Question

Next, drill a 3/32 hole in the thermostat, just above the ring of the thermostat and position the thermostat with the hole in the 12 o,clock position ( make sure to hole is on the top).

Sorry for this mind fart of mine but by "hole on top" but as the thermostat sits horizontally, do you mean forward towards the front of the jeep for this hole?
It doesn't sit perfectly flat, does it? The hole needs to be on the higher side o the thermostat


Previous Poster is 100% Correct. It is NOT a good idea to Run your JEEP WITH OUT a Thermostat. Engine is designed to RUN at a Certain Temperature--- Running without a Thermostat will Usually result in the Engine running cooler than it was Designed to. IF you have to Run it---With out a Thermostat-- Keep it a SHORT time thing. I Believe I have mentioned a Number of pretty good Texts -- Covering Automotive Cooling Systems! (Light Reading Material). P.S. - Nice Looking. YJ! - JB

I wonder if he ever opted for a fan shroud, that was my primary overheat fix