The Possiblity . . . .


New member
I had a thought . . . i dont know if it was a good thought, but it was there. My dad is in the process of restoring an old 1942 dodge military pick-up truck. That puppy has got some lift on it, stock and everything the frame proboly sits up a good 2 + feet of the axel . . . maybe im exagerating a little, but its definitly tons more than my stock cj5. Im wondering if you would be able to take the leafsprings/axels/tranfercase . . perhaps, and all that other suspension garbage and put in on my jeep, would it work??? Proboly a bad thought and a dumb question, but i was wondering if something like that had the possibity to work?

I am assuming your old man has a power wagon, the motor, Tcase, and transmission would be killer in your cj, Super low gearing and it is also a twin stick Tcase. As for the axles, probably not but I am no expert., only reason is those axles were not intended to have 13 inch wide tires and you would most likely ruin them. For the money you will spend putting those axles into you cj, you can get something beefier for the same price!

Power wagons had rear Full Floating axles, were the front too???

The leaf springs probably won't fit either, but measure from perch to perch, if it is only a difference of about an inch, you probably can do it with some shackles to offest the length difference.

If you raid your Dad's Dodge Power Wagon for its parts for the sake of a Jeep, I hope that you are flogged, boiled in oil, shot and then grounded for two weeks -- and not necessarily in that order!

Relax! -- Just kidding! :wink:

A good flogging would suffice.

Really, your Dad's Power Wagon is a treasure in its own right. I love those things. The Dodge PW owners form a cult of their own too.

Here is a picture of a 1946 Dodge Power Wagon, Carryall. Notice the optional "Quadra-Track" package.


Everytime I look at that picture, my mind starts to whir...hhhmmm... take one PT Cruiser, add Peterbuilt fender flares, Bluebird school bus wheels; four 7.95 x 16, four-ply, bias ply tires, integrate a Tuffy Security box into the body and side-steps, add the buffalo butt buster and badger crusher bumpers...and then I return to reality.

Anyway, I would give my right arm to own a Dodge PW like that. Well, maybe I would give Tug-n-pull's right arm, or even PASmokeater's right arm. I know -- I would give Jhiggins' right arm! :mrgreen:

I think that you are merely musing, but raiding a restorable Dodge Power Wagon for its parts would be sacrilege.

A Dodge Power Wagon -- now, there was a vehicle!!!

Regards, :D

I've got a 78 Powerwagon with a 318 that I might consider selling to you. It too is in bad need of a restoration(body, engine, new brake system). :mrgreen: Its a great vehicle taht someday I might get around to finishing.


Paying off Jeep, wanna help?


A 78? The Dodge PWs of that era were nothing to sneeze at, but I was referring to the Power Wagons of the 40s and 50s.

Like this one: A Dodge Power Wagon, Command Car.


Compare to the Jeep parked to the left for relative size.

I recently looked at an INTERNET page listing a PW for sale that was much like the one shown above, but not in such good shape. As I recall, the price was in the mid-50s.

That ain't going to happen. (SSSIIGGHHHH)


Oh Im not gonna touch his dodge, hes almost done restoring it. I would have hell to pay if i ever scratched that guy, let alone scraped it. I was just wondering if something like that would be possible. As a matter of fact we have a 41 were gonna start restoring after the 42 is done. Got them both for 500 bucks, killer deal i would say. It sure as hell would be sweet though if i could do a complete suspension/engine/transfercase/other accessory swap right into my cj, would be killer heavy duty for the trails. It would lift it so much too, i could clear massive super swampers. Maybe on day . . . . .
I love the dodge PW of the 40's+ The carryall is a nice rig, looks a lot like the suburbans of the era, but I really like the pickups! Keep it bone stock with those luggy military tires on it! That thing would definatly go the places a jeep would! Even modified jeeps!

what's it worth

Man ,I love all old 4x4's I guess. I will point one out sitting in a field and show it to my wife and she will look funny as if to say " Ew what is it ?"

When I see those old Dodge cars, I think of Hogan's Heroe's, the TV show. I can imagine driving around in one of those wearing a trench coat and it snowing outside. ((((((((((((((((((((((((((( snap back to reality

They look great!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D :D :D


I am glad to see that you have come to your senses. :wink:

I do hope that you or your Dad will eventually post pictures of the restored 42, PW. Perhaps in the general section here or on one of the many Power Wagon INTERNET sites. I would enjoy looking at those pics.

BTW -- I think it is very cool that you are your Dad work on similar projects. I had the same sort of relationship going on with my son when he was your age. Trust an old Dad: the father-son relationship formed by working together on shared and similar projects will outlast your Jeep and his PW. That is a very good thing.

Regards, :D
