The OFFICIAL Random thread

Buglleboy, I was just kidding you buddy. You and I live in Florida....... Out of all people, we know old Garth's better thann anybody.....LOL

How'd they train you? That's info I could've used a year or so ago...I worked two jobs for 4yrs 6 and 7 days a week 20hrs a day on the go, I pulled it off but somtimes felt like a zombie...

Eric, if you want to know how they train you, google "Hell week at Coronado"...... Not only that you don't get to sleep, you are worked to death, humiliated and live in fear that you don't make the team. You make it through that, you make it through anything. I only have one regret in my life. I wish I was young again so I can do it again.
Ghost Rider said:
Buglleboy, I was just kidding you buddy. You and I live in Florida....... Out of all people, we know old Garth's better thann anybody.....LOL

i have figured out by now that your a chain yanker lol i dont think i could ever get used to flying a couple times a week every week
Ghost Rider said:
Eric, if you want to know how they train you, google "Hell week at Coronado"...... Not only that you don't get to sleep, you are worked to death, humiliated and live in fear that you don't make the team. You make it through that, you make it through anything. I only have one regret in my life. I wish I was young again so I can do it again.

So in other words its a lot like being married...jk. tho seriously thank you for your service to the country.

i have figured out by now that your a chain yanker lol i dont think i could ever get used to flying a couple times a week every week

I have been doing this for 10 1/2 years now, 50 weeks a year..... My girls went through high school and now finishing college and oly have seen me on weekends (it feels like we are a single parent family with my wife pulling the load). Sometimes I do go home for 6 weeks at the time....... But we have to make a living, pay bills and have money fo our beloved Jeeps.....
Take care my brother.:shades:
I work nights at a steel plant making ware parts for bozers and so of the biggest machines u can think of that diggs in the dirt or plows the roads u see a snow plow with the blaed droped think of me. 300lb is the smallest part I have to push around 1500lb we get the mags out lol 8hr good pay I love it.keeps me in shape
I'm ganna say it me bein a farm boy I would like to say that there more to life then work if u work your life away what have u got money for a lot of nice thing that u don't get to enjoy. I would rather be rember for creatin memoriesiv ran my self broke in the past to help friends and it always pays off in the endwith great sacrifice comes great rewards learned that from my gpa

life is all about loved ones! and jeeps lol
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So in other words its a lot like being married...jk. tho seriously thank you for your service to the country.

Being married to the same woman for 30 years brother.... You are absolutely right. The only difference between the Navy and being married is that while in the Navy, I was getting paid for the abuse I got.... When you are married, you get abused ab PAY for it.....LOL.
Guys, it was my duty and my honor to servE our country.
I'm ganna say it me bein a farm boy I would like to say that there more to life then work if u work your life away what have u got money for a lot of nice thing that u don't get to enjoy. I would rather be rember for creatin memoriesiv ran my self broke in the past to help friends and it always pays off in the endwith great sacrifice comes great rewards learned that from my gpa

I have never said I have lots of money... I worked for everything I have and made lots of sacrifices for it. I had two little girls and a wife with lots of medical issues over the years. My first duty was to take care of my loved one and make sure that I provided or them. During that time, I couldn't afford toys for my self. When I got out of the Navy I had to go and work to survive.... No time to party, no beer or cigarette money. I went from two packs a day to none in one day... How did I do that?? Choices between feeding my wife and kids or burning money away. I always have chooses the hard over easy. I was trained that way. Now kids are getting out of the medical school this year and my wife and I are trying to make up for the lost time by enjoying OUR SELFES for once. There were times when I was gone for 8 months at the time and my family didn't know where I was or if I was alive. You just packed your bags, give everyone a kiss and told them "see you later on"....

yup, the choice is always take care of the kids and wife first. everything else is secondary.
That's right. There's nothing like coming home from a long days work and seeing those little ones faces light up when you walk in that door. Got to love em
For the last 10 years that I have been traveling like a crazy person and every Friday getting home from the airport and my little girls running to me yelling "daddy, dady, you are home". No money in the world can buy that. Now they are away in college, we lost both our dogs two years ago due to old age( one was 16 and the other 18 ) and it it was just me and my wife so things got sad really quick. Finally we got a new poppy last Christmas and now I have someone else that licks my face when I get home. Bottom line is that we all love our country, we love our personal things, our music and so on but NOTHING comes before our children, wife and family. I can't believe how many of you seem to feel the same. It must be a Jeep thing others don't understand.
Good night my brothers!

So I work for the police department and they have a volunteer program that I participate in. For my job I work in the property/evidence office and on volunteer I go on patrol and assist the officers with calls. Tonight one of the calls I went on was a stray horse on the rail road tracks. There was a train waiting to take off from the rail yard and I was able to go up inside the locomotive and see what it looked like. It isn't too exciting but I am like a little kid when it comes to things like that.

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That's what make u the man I never did the party stuff some times I think I act to old I didn't do the best in school but I was out of the house at 17 workin odd jobs got out of school got a job had one gurl at 20 got me a house at 21 had another kid at 22 got married last year been with her since high school lol just didn't have the money to get married lol I was going to go to the marine cor but I had kid. I thank u for your time and what u gave up to protect our contry. I didn't mean nuttin by it just the look back and think I did this wow I am that man.