The OFFICIAL Random thread

"If the band you in, start's to sing a different toon...
I will see you on the Dark Side of the Moon".
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3% of americans wash their dogs in the shower while they are washing them selves


36% Get in the bath tub with them.
31% Throw a ball in the lake, when they bring it back lather them up, then throw the ball back in the lake for a rinse.
21% Throw the ball in the back yard when it's raining, lather, rinse.
8% Responded, "bath? you're supposed to bathe them?"
1% Lick them clean.

My teacher did some math today, Im a senior so this is really cool. If the school year was a week. Today would be 1 oclock thursday afternoon!!!!!

WOW!! i love it, i'm only on page 3 but i'll catch up

ooh and did anyone else notice that ULTRAMAN has a decent set of knockers :|

Hey welcome back girl!

And no, I conveniently missed that part of Ultraman.
Curses... Foiled again!

But did ya know...

Mingez worked and worked at it, but eventually discovered that the medical field was not for him... Not wanting to go back into the furniture biz, he floated around, doing a little of this, and a little of that, until he ended up finding his calling teaching the accordion to inner-city high school students.

Is that on official holiday? I think I shouldn't be at work because of the serious nature of this holiday.
Oh... we have a special day for that? I thought we did it every day?

That's what I was thinking...................seems like '07 became "Pick on Sparky Year"!!!

Good thing ol' Sparky's a good sort..........just rolls off his back. I've always figured, if ya' can't laugh at yourself, who the H#$* can you laugh at??

Personally.....................................................................I'm waiting for "Pick on Utah" month!!!:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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