The OFFICIAL Random thread

Tomorrow is ground hog's day!!!

Back in my wilder days some friends and I paticipated in this event, all I can say is wow! It sounds real corball, but only hardcore partiers need apply! The town gets bombarded by tourists about 10 times its capacity. When the bars close, you are forced to face the elements (sub o*) and stand around bonfires at Gobblers Knob till dawn when the pull the varmint out. They say I nearly got us all kicked out, and they have video to prove it! What I can remember, I will never forget! lol

Dont know how they do it, same as I dont know how 100 seaturtles hatch at the same time , but there ya are.
OMG. You know when you come across a post where someone posts run on sentences, or poor grammar? Well I came across this and thought, how fitting.


looks bad, If I had the bucks I would go for it,VW is a german vechicle if I am not mistaken. The germans are highly known as with the Swiss in the fine art of machineing small parts. Quality of that machine I would expect to be in the highest standards.
There aren't any open parks with Ferris Wheels that day. At least not within a reasonable drive. I would do it, even though it was cold if a park was open.

Some are getting ready for spring. On our walk in the woods today I snapped a pic or two of freshly hung maple syrup buckets.
