The OFFICIAL Random thread

we did our senior prank today!


we got to school at 4:45, snuck in (one of the teachers gave us a set of keys for the gate, we parked in the teachers lot and took up 2 spots a vehicle and decorated our cars, then we brought out a bunch of camping gear into the parking lot and set up camp so everyone in the school would think we camped out over night lol


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bugleboy said:
we did our senior prank today!

we got to school at 4:45, snuck in (one of the teachers gave us a set of keys for the gate, we parked in the teachers lot and took up 2 spot a vehicle and secorated our cars, then we brought out a bunch o camping gear into the parking lot and set up camp so everyone in the school would think we camped out over night lol

I like it Bugleboy!! Looks like fun. Maybe I could do that at work, lol.

The roar of the tires is all the music I need.
lol urah the boxes work well you can see my jeep from across the lot lol i put "seniors class of 2012! we are movin' out" im gonna try to drive home with those boxes up there, theres nothing in em though so i expect im going to have to take em down so they dont fly off
gennybro said:
That proves phones and vechicles don't mix,I see your practically in the middle of the road.

Yes I was. The reason being was that I was in the process of changing lanes into the right lane. No cars in front or behind, held phone out and snapped pic.
If I upset you,I am not going to apologize, I am dead nuts against useing a phone while driveing,camera,talking, texting,whatever. I feel very strongly about that.

gennybro said:
If I upset you,I am not going to apologize, I am dead nuts against useing a phone while driveing,camera,talking, texting,whatever. I feel very strongly about that.

The texting and driving is out of control! So is talking and driving. In 2011 CA made it unlawful to talk on your cell while driving unless you have a hands free device. That's a great step forward. However I think the act of putting your cell to your ear isn't that problematic. The problem where drivers get distracted is the conversation (nature, topic etc).
People need to know their limitations in regards to driving (whether it's speed, skill, cell phone use etc) and need to realize when to and when nor to be distracted.
In 2012 CA made it unlawful to text and drive. Again, a great step forward. I think too many people regardless of its lawfulness or not, need to prioritize their actions. I'm guilty of it too, but I will say it; hang up the phone and drive!
As for the picture, at least your not doing it in traffic.

Ps, Jeepz Rock!
Dead against texting my self. I don't see what the problem is with talking on the phone and driving. What is the difference of talking on the phone or talking to another passenger in the car, talking on the phone and listening to the radio, changing a CD, getting makeup on, drinking soda, coffee or eating while driving. I really don't care what laws are being passed by the state of California. The state with the most screwed up laws in the nation doesn't set a very good example to the rest of us. I guess talking on the phone while driving is a bad thing in California but smoking dope while driving is not..... I will be working there next week and already counting the time until I will be leaving CA.
Ghost Rider said:
Dead against texting my self. I don't see what the problem is with talking on the phone and driving. What is the difference of talking on the phone or talking to another passenger in the car, talking on the phone and listening to the radio, changing a CD, getting makeup on, drinking soda, coffee or eating while driving. I really don't care what laws are being passed by the state of California. The state with the most screwed up laws in the nation doesn't set a very good example to the rest of us. I guess talking on the phone while driving is a bad thing in California but smoking dope while driving is not..... I will be working there next week and already counting the time until I will be leaving CA.

Relax ghost rider! I wasn't I saying California is an example to the rest of the nation. I was jar saying that no matter what laws are enacted, the bottom Line is we as people need to step up and make the right decisions! I do believe the conversation, not the actual act of talking can distract the driver.
If you don't like California tell your job you don't want to come here. I love it when some people get all worked up with stuff like this. I've lived in many states from the west to the east and the south. I have seen the results of bad decisions on a daily basis. I was just making a comment on a thread.
I apologize in advance to everyone else if my liberal state offends you. It offends me too at times.


/\ talking on a cell phone and driving.

Perhaps there are folks that can talk on the phone and have complete control of their driveing capabilities. I am not one of them, and makeing my opinion based on my own performance useing one while driveing. The hands free device is cool as far as I'm concerned,that's no diffrent then talking to anouther passenger,or listening to the radio, etc. I've been behind folks doing 25 in a 45 mph zone,in passing them, there they are chatting on the darn phone. Some of them you would think they was drunk while watching them drive and useing the phone. So maybe we should end this great debate. Just please, ya'll be aware of your limitations while driveing.
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While on the subject I would just like to say, as an adult we should all be responsible for our own actions. If you know you cannot talk on the phone and drive, don't. If you can, go for it.
Recently I passed two people driving slow and weaving all over the road. They weren't on the phone though. One was reading a BOOK! The other was doing a crossword puzzle with pencil and paper, I **** you not!! I don't think that cell phones are the problem, I think it's that there are more and more people these days that don't have ANY common sense or they just choose to ignore it, I dunno?

The roar of the tires is all the music I need.
Talking on a cell phone and driving...

P.S. I was a passenger takin a pic, not a driver!!


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