The OFFICIAL Random thread

Carroll Shelby born today Jan 11 1923.
Happy Birthday Carroll.

If you were born Jan 11th:

You are always searching for more from life than what is obvious. You look for a higher meaning to life itself, and hidden meanings in your interactions with others. You are a hard working creative sort who is a bit of a perfectionist. However, you give off such a calming and patient aura that most would be surprised that you do worry often and think to the point of excess! Your romantic and sensual nature are both highly charged and developed.

In one day, each foot can produce more than a pint of sweat!


Oh yeah, meet my son "Taiyo". ;)


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I think life has gotten in the way of our recreational activities! Congrats on your cute little one. How old is he?
mingez said:
wow, not even a "Congrats?" Not even a "I didn't think you knew how to make one of those mingez?" This place has gotten soft! :-)

Didn't know you were pregnant?
As to the rest we were all sure you lady friend held your hand and walked you through it the first couple of times, after that....well you got pregnant so we think you got the idea
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ok, but i'd really like to get two diffrent opinions on how to go about this. Kinda like going to the doctor,need 2 opinions. Don't want to screw this up. So please forward your instructions.
A ventirloquist cowboy walked into town and saw a rancher sitting on his porch with his dog.
Cowboy: Hey, cool dog. Mind if I speak to him?
Rancher: This dog don't talk!
Cowboy: Hey dog, how's it going?
Dog: I'm Doing alright
Rancher: (Extreme look of shock)
Cowboy: Is this your owner? (pointing at rancher)
Dog: Yep.
Cowboy: How's he treat you?
Dog: Real good. He walks me twice a day, feeds me great food, and takes me to the lake once a week to play.
Rancher: (Look of disbelief)

Cowboy: Mind if I talk to your horse?
Rancher: Horses don't talk!
Cowboy: Hey horse, how's it going?
Horse: Not bad.
Rancher: (An even wilder look of shock)
Cowboy: Is this your owner? (pointing at rancher)
Horse: Yep.
Cowboy: How's he treat you?
Horse: Pretty good, thanks for asking. He rides me regularly, brushes me down
often, and keeps me in the barn to protect me from the elements.
Rancher: (total look of amazement)

Cowboy: Mind if I talk to your SHEEP?
Rancher: (gesticulating wildly, and hardly able to talk)...... Them sheep ain't nothin but liars!
good morning everyone, im glad to see this thread found its way to the top again, i havent seen it in a while, anybody got any big plans this week?
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