The OFFICIAL Random thread

I was stationed in Germany from 78 to 82 in Wiesbaden. A fluggenclapper is a fly swatter and I still remember how to order a beer. Except I think we said grosse beer bitte!(large):lol:
If you walk up to me and say "pumping the squeezebox" while making accordian motions with your hands, I will laugh hysterically no matter what the circumstances...

The Irsay family sucks


yeah Ravens!!!

I couldn't think of anything worth wild to say. So I typed this.

Well, I'm rooting for your Ravens to win up until they face LT and the Chargers. Then, I'm rooting for either the Eagles or Saints to win it all.

How cool would that be? Saints winning the Superbowl after Katrina? Great story!

Next best story would be the TO-less and Donovan-less, Garcia-lead Eagles finally getting over?

Whatever happens, I hope it's not someone who has won it before.
Aaagggghhhh.....I lost my brand new 4gb flash drive! Luckily I had just encrypted the important stuff but still.....Aaaaaaaggggghhhhh.

And just remember, no matter what the stripper tells you...... There is no sex in the champagne room!
"Head On", apply directly to the forehead...

"Head On", apply directly to the forehead...

"Head On", apply directly to the forehead...


HOOORAYY!!!!!!!! The ferry's back up and running today!!!!!!!!!!


(old picture - New Roads side of the river)

Yup, that's what we're telling Indianapolis...

Indy win in Baltimore? NEVERMORE.

Indy go to the SuperBowl? NEVERMORE.

Did I mention that the Irsay family sucks? In case I didn't, the Irsay family sucks. :p

MINGEZ: I'll take it! Heck, if they get through the tough group in the AFC then I don't care who roots for the Ravens, 'cause I'm thinkin' that the Super Bowl will belong to an AFC team :)