The next trail week???


We can have a trail week or weekend or even day here in the Tennessee hills just about any o time. If one or more can find the time to come down up or over and give me at least a few days to get the time and help lined up I will always be ready willing and able to share the trails.

I am so sure that there are any number of the folks here that will tell you the same thing about there neck of the woods. It can be just for a Sunday afternoon and still be a very rewarding experence. Just make the plns and get together with any members in your area and kick it a while.

Share the trails and leave good impressions on the local folks where you ride. Lord knows enough wild eyed good ol boys have made it tough on us already. If it go into the trail make sure it comes out with you. If you find others trash on the traill bring it out to. Dont tear up the trails leaving big ol ruts for nature to turn into wash outs. Be smart, ride safe and work to improve the public relations for all off roaders to come.

Take a local politition on a trail ride. Show how to get goose bumps at 5 mph. Show him you are not the mean ol trail devil that the tree huggen self ritious cry babys have them believe we are. Public lands means us too.

So trail ride as often with a large of a groupe as you can muster and do it responceably. Do it under the name of and we will at some point become reveared as a force to be reconed with. Arlo Guthery said in Alices Resturant and I paraphrase " if one comes in and says it they will think he is crazy, if two come in and says it they will think it is a joke, if three or more they will think it is a conspericy." So if hundreds of jeepers go to the goverment and request the place to trail ride they will have to at least give it thought. We may even get trails opened up. Tug

Sorry to ramble it is just all the lifts and tires in the world are useless with out some trails to ride them on. This it is my favorit soap box..... ;-) [addsig]


I will do my best to start planning and getting group rates
and so on .................. I just need some input from some
of the people around Texas....So I am calling on ya'll give
ME some feedback..... :-D [addsig]

Good call mxpx get the thing going in your area1 There is no reason to not have a trail ride in any state or any part of any state just put up an offer for the gang to respond to. Make sure you know some trails that can be ran with in the law and go from there. If you are the home site man you have a to be able to take the roll of trail guide cause they are going to be travleing to your neck of the woods and wont know beans about your are. Now I can tell you this much it is a blast to be able to take them off in the woods and know where youare going to come out and what to expect.

Again everyone with trails it is a jeeper's responceability to take the bull by the horns and say " come on down up over what ever " and start up a trail week day month weekend what ever. The Tennessee Run was one of the most rewarding times I have ever spent in a Jeep. I made not friends, I made family.

We talk on the phone and email and IM and think about the folks that came all the time. Some times I find myself up on chanel 25 on the CB hollering for Stumpy or Chris. They are not only missed here but deep down missed. My wife and Toshi bonded as sisters and Chris and Kristen are very close to our hearts Adam and Beth are close to our hearts and Rob aka PASmokeater what can you say about him.

My biggest fear was what if they come here and hate my trails and tell me they are not worth the gas we spent to ride em! I was so afraid that I would have a bunch of disapointed jeepers on my hands. When it was all said and done I think they would have been happy to have just set around and talked jeeps and rode through town a time or to as a Jeep Convoey.

Where ever you are and if only a small handful of jeepers show up plan an outing and go jeeping with other jeepers. It is the coolest way I know to join up with other folks with like mind sets and jeep life styles. I do not regreat anything about our time together. I just wish we were close enough to get togather every Sunday afternoon and ride. Tug[addsig]


Soon Tugger...very soon. And Labor Day is just around the corner

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]

Yes Labor day is just around the corner.. and to let you all know we still have a Jeepz week comming up over Labor day weekend in Moab...four or five days of slick rock trails. All the information is in events under labor weekend.
Let me hear from ya if your planning on comming.[addsig]