The next trail week???


New member

So the question of the hour is there taalk about another trail week ??? I think we should hold a poll vote
to see where it is going to be next year...Just my $.02 ...
But seriously I know this one just ended but when I get
finished wheeling I always start talking about next time...
So let's hear it fellas and fellets.... :-D :-D :-D [addsig]


Hey,can we please have it a wee bit closer to me.Like nebraska or texas???I woulddrive out to Tn in a heartbeat,but,I cant drive there just yet.Maybe my dad will take me next year

Where do you think jeepz week should be???







Everywhere is a great place to wheel! If there is a trail to be rode it is a place worth going to. There will never be a place we can all get to with in reason. This ol country is just to big not to mention the world. South America now that is a wheelin spot.

The Jeepz week trail rides need to be frequent, wide scatered, made as public to the board as posible, far enough in advance so others can make plans. We PASmokeater and I started to talk this one up 6 months in advance. Still we only had a total of 4 Jeepz members show with my being one of them.

To me that was a really cool begaining. The Texas Tease team did have two on short notice with theirs. These are all good starting points. If there is a ride close enough for me to make I will be there if all works out. If ever one or two or a dozen can get their acts togather and come here I will be glad to share my trails with you. I feel I can do the same if I come to any of your areas as well.

So post a ride get with PASmokeater for a copy of the trail waiver and change a few words to make it work for you. Then get it going and do a sh bang job doing it and post the results. The more the marrier.

Next thing you know the trail rides will rival the Jeep Jamboree or how ever you spell it. Build it and they will come! to coin a phrase. so everyone makes a plan and even if there is several rides on the same week in different parts of the world. It is just all about bonding with other Jeepers and letting our voices be heard that the trails are for us to not just the tree huggers.

I hope some day to have to make a choice of what trail week to go too rather than do I go. Then we will have reached a high point! Tug[addsig]

Tug it couldn't have been put any more perfect
I will strive to follow in ya'lls ruts and make proud...So as of tonight I will be
taking any local states that surround Texas
and begin to brain storm and see what I can find
out ....Thank you Tug your an inspiration......... :-D [addsig]

Hey utah,maybe we could set up a trail ride somtime in the near future.I live in ventura california and would love to head out to moab.Give me yell if you want to put somthing together. Sully[addsig]


What about me???? :-( Fine I don't wanna come
pull you guys out....what am I saying yes I do..............hehehehe :-D [addsig]

OK ok you have all spoken and I hear...

I did post a message in the events board on an up-comming ride to Moab. I am still hammering out the details with out trail leader from our local jeep group Wasatch Explorers and have settled on four trails for over the labor day weekend. We as a group are going to head down there on August the 28th and start trail riding on the 29th through september the 1st and limp home on the
We are planning on camping on the US public grounds since we all own Jeeps and cant afford to stay at a nice hotel. Since we are a seperate group from red rock wheelers we dont have to pay that 50$ to them to ride the trails. Our trail leader (pathfinder) has done these trails and knows them good enough to lead our group and yes all of our friends at So with that being said its time to go to work and tell your boss/bosses that you feel a nasty flu bug comming on over the labor day weekend. cough cough yes I know mine is comming on lol ;-)
With new friends to meet and jeep stories to share I think that any who come will have a great time. The trails we are arguing over are the golden spike trail , the porcupine rim trail , the Pritchett Canyon Trail , and the steel bender trail .
All these trails are rated 3 1/2 but there are sections that those wishing to go a bit harder that they can run. There is local amenities around Moab for those wishing to rough it with mints on there pillows at night and room service.
As there is also plenty of jeep shops to fix your minor oops. LOL
We as a group leave no dead bodies along the trails so dont worry about getting out we will make sure to leave you with a good map and a no really we are a family here and will stop the trail ride to make sure one of ours get out.
We have a varity of Jeeps doing this ride as you saw in my last trail ride pics. every thing from an Ford explorer to some modified ECOR machines to some plain ole Jeeps.

Maps and directions upon a trip to Moab through Washington D.C...and your going to trust me to give them lol.
This flu bug needs to spred fast and planning is a must!
Write me at
Aske me to call and send your number for any more details I am willing to pass them along.[addsig]

AS the co conspiritor in Jeepz week 2003 I couldn't agree more with what Tug has said, and I appluad all who take up the cause, and march ahead with plans for thier own Jeepz Week...truth is I would be honered to wheel with any of you, but in the big picture, taking a month off of work to drive out to California just isn't realistic. Besides...most of you have YJ's and you KNOW they can't do over a thousand miles in one trip without breaking something...JUST JOKING.......

I am planning a couple of trips here in the North East to Paragon for late September, October and November, and will post on them if anyone shows interest. I am also planning a couple more excursions into Tennessee ( gotta go house hunting, and maybe catch a couple of trails lol).

Just pm me or email me, and I'll send you the waivers, and go over the rules and regs with whoever is getting the ball rolling in your neck of the woods.

I would also like to promote that those who are starting the Jeepz weeks to become enrolled in the Tread Lightly Program ( not a neccisity, but a personal wish of mine).
The more we can teach people the importance of keeping our trails clean and pristine, free of trash and litter, and leaving all as it was when we arrived,if not better, the more responsible we become, and the less ammo those who wish to shut us down have to hold over our heads (who knows, we MIGHT even get some closed trails reopened). The cost is cheap, and the benefits are priceless. You can contact me on this as well, and I'll set you up with the info needed to join.

If you wish to contact me you may PM me or even better, Email me at

Rob :p :cool: :)

edited by: PASmokeater, Jul 06, 2003 - 03:51 PM[addsig]


AS the co conspiritor in Jeepz week 2003

This is an understatement! He was and is the ring leader here. I was just the person with the honor of haveing such great folks come over to play with me for a few days. I did a small amount of legg work and tryed unsuscessfully to get some closed trails open but in the end it was not needed cause in a week we never covered all the trails we had to use.

Rob is a great guy and worked hard to get this jeepz week 2003 off and running. Next time it will be even better due the organization skill and love for jeepz and Jeeps he carries. Thanks Rob and you need to take the blame for the mess we were in. lol just kidding you did a great job. tug[addsig]

My vote goes for PA. Mostly because Paragon is only 50 mins away from me know and in about 2 months it will be 5 mins away from me. And Rob, I am definately interested in some trips up to paragon around that time frame.


I'll keep you in mind Tars...also remeber that we have weekly excursians into the pines near Batsto NJ.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]


I'll keep you in mind Tars...also remeber that we have weekly excursians into the pines near Batsto NJ.

Rob :p :cool: :)

That's right.... just don't forget to invite me along! I'm up for a pines run any weekend (hell, even the occasional friday) with any responsible jeeper.... We had a great ride this past saturday, and even left the place a little cleaner when we left it.

A word of warning - front and rear tow points are a must if you're wheeling in the Jersey pine barrens...


that is a fact. you need towhooks to go anywhere offroad. my truck would be in a whole lot better shape if i had had them :evil:

edited by: ranger4X4, Jul 07, 2003 - 06:31 AM[addsig]


Do we need to have just one trail week a year?

Would it be feasable or even possible to have multiple trail weekz all over this fine nation.

How about 4 trail weekz!
One in tenn.
One in Cali.
One in Texas.
One in Penn. or utah or north dakota or where ever! (just not france, I am pissed at that country)

Personally I would not be able to go to a trail week on the west coast, I would like to but time and money would not allow for it. Even to get to tenn. would be a solid 10 hour drive from where I live, and I know Virginia is 14 hours (did it twice.)

Kind of like how the jeep jamboree works, Have a couple a year, starting from one coast and work the way to the other coast. Some people can travel and go to all the trail weekz!

Some people follow the dead! we follow jeeps!

It is just an Idea, But I have extensive knowledge and experience about program and event planning and would be more than happy to render my services, to all events whether I attend or not! I think that this would be the best plan. I am pretty sure lots of my Massachusetts buddies would be more than happy to make the 4 1/2 hour trek to Paragon in Penn. It would also allow some of our other jeeping buddies to get involved that live in Northern New York, Conn, Vermont, NH, and Maine. As well as thiose that live south. Then we could repeat the original trail week in Tenn. Then all those that are from the south can visit the bad lands or some where!

Just my $.02


I say the more we have the better off it is
and we will be the biggest thing to happen
since Jeep Jamboree :-D [addsig]


Okay..I am hearing you all and I will be the first to let you all in on the 2004 Pennsylvainia Jeepz Week.

It will happen in late June or Early July..details to will be held at Paragon Adventure Park Click here for Park info.
As it stands now, it will be held from a Thursday to a Sundaynight, with camping and hotels near by. I will try to see if we can use the park for a whole week, although the normal hours are on Thur. through Sunday only. If we get alot of people wanting to go, I can have an easier time convincing them to open, as well as get discounts an meals, park, camping etc.

This is the begining skinny, and there is alot of work to do before the event, but I will say..if anyone is planning on doing this....START NOW !!!!!!!!! You'll be thankfull for the time you have..and wish you had more as the event gets closer.

Tug...Please keep me in mind for the Tennessee I will also be attending that. :)

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]