The jeep wave

It's alittle bit of both around here.. almost small enough for that small town feel but big enough there are plenty of people who don't wave at you and could care less.. but almost all the jeepers wave.. especially the guy with the CJ-5 with the fiberglass body.. his V-8 sounds pretty sweet

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There are a lot of Jeep drivers around here these days. :-( I wave and either they're not paying attention or they can't be bothered to lift more than a few fingers. It takes the fun out of hunting. Oh, I go hunting for Jeepers.

Rod Kandel said:
Busy Jeep waving day.. jeep waved 2 TJ's, a CJ-5, and a YJ.. Life is good :)

Sent from my Ally using Jeepz

Didnt see a jeep all day today :"(
All the wranglers around me (we have no cjs) seem to wave, but when you get to the Cherokees and liberties and all, they never wave back...
Hahaha! Beautiful day, and another Jeeper in a JK just like mine waved at me across two lanes of traffic, almost flagged me down!

Why is it cherokee drivers get the "stuck up jeep driver" label? Im a cherokee owner and I know the jeep wave but sometimes when I get beside or around a wrangler (usually old men) look like ima jeeper wannabe. .im thinking you @#$%&*. . %$#@ Im a jeeper too! C'mon wrangler dudes cherokee owners deserve some respect too!
The only jeeper I will not wave too is one that has a yankees sticker. . Go redsox . . Redsox and jeeps just go together

jeepjeep! said:
The only jeeper I will not wave too is one that has a yankees sticker. . Go redsox . . Redsox and jeeps just go together

Yankees! Yankees! Yankees! :chant:

It was beautiful in Northern VA, too! I pulled up next to a fellow Jeeper at a stoplight and asked him why he didn't have his top down... He said it was a poor decision on his part. I reminded him that there was still plenty of daylight, and a warm evening ahead. :-)
Yankees fan!!! Get a hummer. .go Redsox. . Soxtober

GO ORIOLES! This fall I am a Rays fan! I am a life long HATER of the Yankees.


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