The elections???

Lib, Dem, Rep, it doesn't matter what they use to hide behind. The bottom line is there is always someone crooked in WA and all the rookies just learn from the vets on how to run business. If they don't play, they will be exiled. That's what I meant by completely removing every single person who is in office and not allow them to run for a period of years, but they would then devise a figure head to do their bidding. That's another question, why won't they vote in term lengths? And how does Kennedy keep winning? Disgust, off to vomit again. I read a bumper sticker the other day, it said
I'd rather go hunting with Cheney than driving with Kennedy.
I'm just glad the mud slinging commercials are over with!!!

Amen to that!!

Ok, so how about your own local elections? How do you all feel about them? I'm pretty pleased with what Kansas has done overall, but there are a few I'd rather not have seen win.

Another question: Did anyone vote full party tickets? All Dem or all Rep, just because you are registered that way? I didn't. I'm registered Dem (surprise surprise, huh?:p ), but I found myself voting for the person rather than the party. I've always been that way. However, there were only two Republicans on the ballot locally that I voted for. One was a friend running for the township board unopposed. Can't remember right off hand what the other was.

Our governor, Kathleen Sebelius, vetoed the CCW bill earlier this year, and I vowed not to vote for her then. (The state legislature overturned her veto later, so we now have CCW). However, as election time neared, I realized how much she's done to cut spending at the state level, and increased funding for schools and child services. I couldn't let a personal grudge affect my vote.
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One more note: As far as voting out the ruling party, remember, the same thing happened in Clinton's last mid-term election. It's a recurring theme throughout history, so I don't put much stock into it.
I'm registered as a libertarian, but I'm politically a pragmatist and dont stick to party lines. It's real easy these days to keep tabs on your reps since all the voting records are available online.

Locally here things went fairly well, only one guy who I really wanted back into office didn't make it. We had a ton of props, the majority of the stupid ones didn't get passed, though a couple snuck through.

Well I know one thing... we're going to have a good look at what the far left is like. The ball is in their court and I, for one, am not looking forward top seeing what they do with a country who's economy is booming, has low interest rates, high home ownership, and all this while taxes are down (although not down enough in my opinion).

They stumped about being anti-Bush and about their disgust with the war in Iraq. Unless they are willing to devote more money and troops while giving them the go ahead to be far more aggressive there is little they can or will do to change anything over there. Although I don't see them doing that I must admit the mealy-mouthed republicans hadn't been getting it done either. The only other option would be to pull out altogether which I don't see happening either. What we will see is the men and women over there doing less with less, but remaining there anyway. I don't like the looks of it but who knows, maybe they'll surprise me. I hope so.

Their agenda (referring to the far lefties that are now the majority leaders Nancy and Harry) was never the war... it's embrionic stem cells, late term abortions, raising taxes, amnesty for illegals, and having control over the elected judiciaries in the Supreme Court.

Several of the Democrats who took over Republican seats in the house and senate did so by running on consevartive tickets with un-democrat like stances on many of these issues. An excellent and obviously effective tactic, but it will be interesting to see how they vote. If they stay with their campaign stumping and vote consevatively on these issues then they won't help the Dems, if they don't and instead vote "party", then they risk handing the house and Senate back at the next election because they ticked off the voters who elected them.

Nancy P said shortly before the election that the first thing they (the democrats) were going to do is roll back the tax cuts that were designed for the "wealthy". Well it is going to cost me several thousand dollars a year an I am not a "wealthy" man :(

Yup, the people have spoken. I'm just not sure what anyone has said except that they're not happy with the situation in Iraq.

My question is what are they going to do about it?
Well I know one thing... we're going to have a good look at what the far left is like. The ball is in their court and I, for one, am not looking forward top seeing what they do with a country who's economy is booming, has low interest rates, high home ownership, and all this while taxes are down (although not down enough in my opinion).

It's funny you say this, cause you hit the Michigan problem right on the head :) The rest of the country has done better since 9/11, a lot so. The entire regime that has led Michigan through the last 4 years was re-elected, unlike the rest of the country, however, unemployment is highest in the country, taxes are high, and things are generally bad. The economy is a disaster, jobs are NOT plentiful, and people are leaving in droves.

That being said, our elections kinda went like this. Everyone I talked to about it hates our governor, didn't vote FOR HER to keep her in office, but rather voted against the other guy, a wealthy Republican businessman from Grand Rapids. Campaign commercials, went something like... "**** DeVos... Mike Bouchard... George Bush... **** DeVos made millions under the unfair Bush trade agreements that have destroyed this state's job base..." Being that the state is currently Democratic, and all the challengers were Republican, and Bush happens to be a Republican, all the bush bashers out there pretty much pounded the nail in the coffin. People voted for Granholm, and I kid you not, because "I don't like her, but I HAD to vote for her to keep the Republicans out", or "I can't stand her, but I'm gonna vote for her because she's the evil I know"

I don't claim to be a Democrat or a Republican, or whatever, I vote on a candidate based on their position for helping my state, or country. Mr. DeVos had some very strong points during his campaign, for example, the fact that yes, while a lousy economy was inherited by Governor Granholm, it has been 4 years, and the state of Michigan has managed to keep sinking. We're at 50% over the national unemployment rate, that's kind of tragic, with 35,000 jobs lost just this year... Under those unfair economic trade policies, that somehow, the 49 other states in the country seem to be doing OK with...

I'm just happy for the fact that I have my new job, so long as I continue living at home, I can keep my bills paid. As far as the proposals go, actually pretty well.

Proposal 1 was a Constitutional Amendment to create a specific funding level, and specific fund through the Michigan Department of Natural Resources for things like trail conservation, the off-road parks, quads, snowmobiles, things like that. It passed.

Proposal 2 was a Constitutional Amendment to eliminate and ban all affirmative action programs which discriminate using ethnicity in hiring and admission practices. It passed, but analysts say the ensuing legal battles on THAT by the NAACP, One Michigan United, the ACLU, and U of M will probably go on for about 10 years.

Proposal 3 was a referendum to create a precedent to allow the shooting of mourning doves. It did not pass.

Proposal 4 was a Constitutional Amendment to restrict the use of eminent domain, so the Government cannot just take your house/property for development, and should it be deemed necessary, 125% of the fair market value shall be paid. It passed.

Proposal 5 was a legislative initiative to establish a manditory level of funding for the public school system which the state would continue to fund according to the rate of inflation. It did not pass.

The fact that we are stuck with the same governor, county commissioner, senators and representatives who have made Michigan the most sluggish economic climate in the country these 4 years past kind of scares the hell out of me, though :(

Incidentally, DeVos's first name is the other form of "richard", which has been *'d out.

The same was in Illinois, the current gov is a tool who bragged that he barely got a C in his constitution studies in college, rallied against pork in previous administrations and then blanketed the whole state in it a couple months ago; his approval rating is in the toilet yet somehow he got re-elected as a lesser of two evils deal
Campaign commercials, went something like... "**** DeVos... Mike Bouchard... George Bush... **** DeVos made millions under the unfair Bush trade agreements that have destroyed this state's job base..." Being that the state is currently Democratic, and all the challengers were Republican, and Bush happens to be a Republican, all the bush bashers out there pretty much pounded the nail in the coffin. People voted for Granholm, and I kid you not, because "I don't like her, but I HAD to vote for her to keep the Republicans out", or "I can't stand her, but I'm gonna vote for her because she's the evil I know"
That's pretty much how it went everywhere. Candidates from the Republican party were linked to Bush and the association got them a "thumpin'" as Bush said later in his press conference :roll:

I can see how that worked for the House and Senate elections but it affecting the Gubenatorial races puzzles me.
I'm loosing respect for him on a daily basis.....


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Well, back to the mud-slinging aspect that we all so dearly love: The commercials I hated most were the ones where Candidate A buries Candidate B in mud, yet never says a single thing about him/her self. One local candidate on the state level had only mud-slinging commercials against his competitor, yet never had a single commercial that said anything, good or bad, about himself! Yeah, now why would I vote for that? How was anyone supposed to know what he was for, except by listening to him bash what the other candidate was for?

Well, back to the mud-slinging aspect that we all so dearly love: The commercials I hated most were the ones where Candidate A buries Candidate B in mud, yet never says a single thing about him/her self. One local candidate on the state level had only mud-slinging commercials against his competitor, yet never had a single commercial that said anything, good or bad, about himself! Yeah, now why would I vote for that? How was anyone supposed to know what he was for, except by listening to him bash what the other candidate was for?

Yep, that's because voters in both parties don't like either person running. Almost everyone says "I voted for the lesser of two evils" so the politicians think "if I can make the other guy look really bad they'll vote for me". Just reinforces the idea that 99.9% of career politicians are scum. Too bad we don't have a politician hunting season. I'll bet that one would pass by popular vote in a heartbeat.
Love to see all the back pedaling! This country has changed so much in it's fews over the past several years. The History that has been made in the Bush Regine is vast. There is so much done that it will take years to see all the damage that has been done. The so call strong economy being nothing more than a false face made out of sunshine and air. How can the economy be booming if we are now deeper in world debt that anyone can really comprehend! I mean can you wrap your mind around the money involved in the national debt. All this new face lifted money that keeps pouring into the system is nice but where is it coming from I mean yea it looks nice but is it worth the cotton fabric it is writen on? What is our standard for the current currency, if not sunshine and air?

Folks we have been so sold out "we being you and I the people of this great nation by our goverment" and I just hope and pray some one somewhere can take control and make the old system work again for the sake of our children and grandchildren.

I do not post around as much as I once did. I guess mostly because I do not have a Jeep anymore, but I do hope to find another some time but that is neither here nor there. But I do read the post here very often. There is a very noticed shift in the values and thoughts here. Like a ever changeing landscape.

Now this is a good thing. The folks have matured as Jeep minded folks and have gotten to know each other to the point that jeeps has alot less to do with Jeepz that it once did. Redundent question about simple fixes, the best tires, locker question, oil in the air box ect.... have gone away pretty much and current events and news items have become the major topics of posting.

The elections are nothing more than the reflections of the current leaders disapointing preformance. The First Surprem Court Appointed President has run this country straight into the ground. Supporters and true belivers are going to rawl up and spout facts and figures that they have compiled as a fortress twisted truths to defend their party and its elected leaders but hte truth is in the form of the election outcome. We now see the truth they have reported in the votes cast.

Now is there anyone in any party able to run that has answers to the big fix needed to keep old Glory flying. I pray to God there is. Have we seen anyone that seems to be this person, Dang I cant say I have seen them. Even if there was someone capable of such a tall order why would the be willing to throw themselves into such a wofves den to start with.

I guess I do swing to the left, but I am willing to back the right person if the right person is willing to run. Tennessee just voted to allow or disallow gay marriage. Law now says marriage in Tennessee is between a man and a woman, Folks why did we even need to vote on something so far out in the left field to start with. I mean is that even a question real people need to ask!

I guess again I wound up atop a soap box and ran my old coountry boy mouth too much again. When all I really needed to say was people swollow your pride as I have take a real hard look at what is going on and rather than bust balls give a helping hand up. Lok for the right people to run no ruin our country and vote accordingly. Cause we just might not get to many more chances to do so.

As always hehehehe tug

Tug we have been working on monopoly money for a long time now... well before "W", but I agree that it is not good at all and that it has certainly gotten worse since 9/11.

As for our deficit, Bush has spent money like a drunken democrat. Without debating if it was necessary, the problem is here and it's getting worse day by day.

Solution? Easy. We get the countries that owe us to pay us. We stop being the cheif financier to the UN - maybe pull out altogether. We have Iraq pay off their bill with oil. In a nutshell, we stop being the world's rich naive grandaddy and take care of #1 first.

Will that happen? Nope. Not by republicans OR democrats.
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..........The First Surprem Court Appointed President has run this country straight into the ground...........

God bless you, Tug!! Can we blame "W" now, or is it going to lead to another big hoo haa? I don't care who comes in next, the sooner "W"'s gone, the better off we'll be.