The difference between Law and Justice.

It's loogie...

A "loogie" is a slang expression used in North America to refer to a mass of sputum that is ejected from the mouth after being expelled from the throat of a person with nasal congestion. The expression "hocking a loogie" refers to expelling the phlegm in an obviously noisy manner involving violent vibrations of the glottis, producing a low, guttural, rumbling sound. "Hock" (alternate spelling "hawk") is derived from the archaic word "hough," pronounced the same way, meaning to clear one's throat. The word "loogie" arose as early as 1970, and appears to be a conjunction of the older slang "lung-er" (meaning an expectoration or a tuberculosis patient) and the word "booger" or "boogie." This practice may have other names in other countries and within the medical community. In the UK, the mass can be referred to as a 'flob', a portmanteau of the phonetic pronunciation of phlegm and 'gob', a slang term for saliva.
2 things...

1) Wikipedia is very subjective as anyone can alter it

2) A real loogey comes from the lungs, not sinus congestion, hence the more effeminate "loogie" as defined above

Okay, the BS is getting thick with this hijack.
I have signed this, I know that it would take time and money but i think all "blue laws" should be removed from the books, or at least lets use some real common sense on these at least.

"The first time the Supreme Court voted on Genarlow's case, it was 4-3. The four judges who voted against the black teen were white. The three judges who voted for him were black."

Being Georgia, I figured it was something like that. In fact, after first perusing this thread, my first thought was...."that poor kid's black".

Something else this country needs to work on (or, AT LEAST, Georgia!)

No, you were right. The whole country needs to work on this. The problem aren't the extremist racists, it's the non-racist folks who don't realize, or won't admit that they have subconscious prejudices. Only then can we make any headway. (And this goes both directions)
As much as the DA sounded like a terd monkey, the judge didn't have to go along with it. The judge is the one who decides how much time someone gets. The sate can recommend, but it all comes down to the judge. They need to investigate starting with the DA and work their way up. Did anyone see if the girl retracted the rape report? I know even her mother said the sentence was ridicuous.