Thanks Guys


New member

I just wanted to let everyone know that even though ill still be using this site my participation is gonna be going way down. In a few days I lose my T1 Lan connection provided by the university due to the fact that im graduating ( I dont know if thats even worth it :lol: ). So when im forced to move back home ill be back on my dial up for a while :-x . However the time now spent not in class or online will be spent working on my rig.
But this site has helped me a great deal and I owe you all a debt of gratitude. Thanks guys. [addsig]


Congratulations! What did you degree in? I'm still working on my engineering degree... I'm gonna die before I finish! Keep up the posting though![addsig]

Its in Justice and Law Administration. Kinda a fancy way to say Criminal Justice. But its more of a focus on the management aspect. Now ive just gotta find a job...eventually!
Ill keep posting, that wont be a problem, but losing my T1 connection and going to dial up is gonna be like living in the stone age again. But in a good way itll force me outside even more![addsig]

Congratulations! Now you get to go to work heheheehehe Yea leaveing school is such a hard thing to do. It is a mile stone in your life. Go use it now and do good things with it. Tug[addsig]



I have been out of school for about a year know and I want to go back in the worst way!


congrats!!! i hope you find a nice paying job, which would make working on your jeep a little easier on your wallet! ;-)
i'm still in college and can't wait for summer. i have one more year of undergrad, then i have to decide what to do with my life... any ideas? :lol:

edited by: randomjeeper, May 14, 2003 - 06:58 AM[addsig]

Congrats...I will miss your posts.......Even if you have a dial up, it's still worth the time to download Jeepz. lol I hope you find a Job soon, and come back to your online home.

Rob :p :cool: :) [addsig]