Thank you


New member

I'm kinda new to this site, I've learned quite a bit, and everybody is very cool, even assited on two lifts, I now have the jeep fever you guys talk about, 7 jeep mags in the bathroom,and allways looking for new jeep stuff, Mine has a long way to go, but I just love my old jeep. I get new stuff as I can afford it, seems like every other week lately. :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: Will post before and after pics soon.

edited by: monsterrd, May 09, 2003 - 03:31 AM[addsig]


That's what it's all about. People with a common interest who love to help out! It is great isn't it! :-D [addsig]

Jeep is a condition... I pity those who will never catch it... And its an honor to be a part of this incredibly loyal group[addsig]


I agree,very cool club, proud to be part of it, Tug, Bounty , and all the rest of my jeep bro's, most informative site I've seen, learned a lot and hope to learn much more. Tug, did you ever check out the mustang seats? :cool: :cool: :cool:

edited by: monsterrd, May 10, 2003 - 10:32 PM[addsig]