Tail light issue


New member
Hey everybody, question for ya ...tail lights are illuminated (running lights) when I apply the brake they don't get any brighter, does anyone know if there is a fuse for this ? I'm gonna take a look at the fuses tomorrow but just thought I'd ask in the event any of you have had this issue :-) thanks !

It could be the brakelamp switch has fallen out of adjustment.


From the '78 Jeep TSM;
The brakelamp switch is mounted on a flange attached to the brake pedal support bracket. A spring loaded plunger in the switch opens and closes the stoplamp circuit.
Brakelamp Switch Adjustment

1. On CJ models with air conditioning, remove the screw attaching the evaporator housing to insturment panel and move housing away from panel.
2. Press and hold the brake pedal in applied postion.
3. Push brakelamp switch through mounting bracket until it stops agains the brake pedal bracket.
4. Release the brake pedal to set switch in proper position.
5. Check switch position. Switch plunger should be in ON position and activate the brakelamps after 3/8 to 5/8 inch of brake pedal travel. Measure travel from center of brake pedal pad.
6. On CJ models with air conditioning, reposition evaporator housing on panel and install housing attaching screws.

Good luck Midnight
Thanks! I looked at fuses and light bulbs today, they are all good, I have a 99TJ and there is an actuator on the pedal, so I figure it's pooched
Ok so I replaced the brake light switch, I have power to the signal lights, power to the fuse, and power to the brake light switch...and still nothing...any guesses on why I still have no brake lights?? I'm stumped...

Bad ground at the tail lamp, or possibly just bad (corroded) contacts at the bulb.
Was just a guess but perhaps one of the filaments inside the bulbs are compromised? Other than that I'd have to run a test light all the way down the brake acutating wire to find where the open is.

don;t these have dual filament bulbs? do you have corrosion in the socket? not a problem i have had on the jeep yet but it is common on the older bmws so i could see it being a problem on jeeps too
I've traced the wire up to the turn signal switch (multi switch as they call em) and have power going into that, so I'm told that the multi switch needs replacing, who woulda thought ...it's still not 100% that it's the issue, but my new switch will be here in a cpl days
take a jumper wire ground . frame to bulb socket while some one steps on breaks. when you step on breaks or turn signal on do parking lights dim if so you have a bad ground.

I had the same prob on my CJ7. Turns out it was a bad plug for the trailer lights. My dash lights were coming on with the tail lights when I applied the brakes.
so i just had the issue of no brake lights i checked all fuses and even replaced the brake switch , as i was putting thre oild switch in the glove box (cuz it didnt fix the issue) i noticed a second fuse pannel behind the glove box. and sure enought there was a fuse burnt out

Ya that's the fuse box I usually check first, still no clue why mine stopped working and then decided to start again lol