The hack&tap is no weaker than the setup you have now, so if you haven't broken yet.......
Nothing wrong with the H&T, I've researched it and the facts just aren't there that it's weak. It's inexpensive so why not.
The H&T for '97+ is only $80, so that's a great option. It's close to $200 for '95 and older NP231's.
Search google for 'hack and tap' or 'RE SYE' and you'll find some great descriptive write-ups.
I have a '95 and I'm going to use the '97+ H&T by using a '97+ tailshaft housing and mainshaft I had given to me. Probably modify my YJ slipyoke to be a fixed yoke and use a shortened TJ or XJ front CV driveshaft. I'll be setup with SYE and CV shaft for the price of shortening one shaft, under $100.