Sway bar disco

I think you're stuck trying to get them out with a pair of vise grips.

Some other things you could try:

  • spray it with penetrating lube like liquid wrench and wait a couple of days (spray it every day)
  • try heating it up with a torch then backing it out.
  • use a grinder to make two flat edges on the bolt head, then use vise grips.
  • weld a bolt onto the head of the stripped one.
  • use an eazy out to get the bolt out
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What would be vice grips I looked on line and is it a wrench or something like a vice?
These are vice grips:
Vise-Grip 5-10WR Curved Jaw Locking Pliers with Wire Cutter - Amazon.com

Though so do they come in bigger sizes(probably a very stupid question.) and this is a picture if my exact problem which you also probably figure I took the sway bar completely off hoping for it to be easier which it makes no difference


Can you put the nut back on and give it a few whacks with a hammer

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
With the nut on? What would that do?

And I stuck a jack in between it and cranked it pretty far didn't want to damage anything and I can't get a vice grip to get on the end of the bolt and something else
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I know it's crazy this vice thing is really tight and isn't doing anything not even a little
And is it supposed to look like that I assume so but just wondering


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Got some liquid wrench penetrating oil sprayed it in ever thing around it. Gonna be driving without the sway bar though just until after work tomorrow. Hopefully these suckers come out with ease.

With the nut on? What would that do?

It will allow you to hit the end of the bolt and not destroy the threads...

From the looks of your last picture it has a spline ike a wheel stud, take a hammer and hit it....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S3 using Jeepz
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Clearly it's a strong bolt. Give it a good whack. I would start with a couple days of liquid wrench. That stuff is a miracle worker.

Clutch broke on me just gonna have my machanic pop them out when he fixes the clutch prob a to bearing