Guys, this is getting way too personal, and there is no need.
bluejeep was just stating an opinion. And I think the responses got WAY too personal WAY too fast.
bluejeep is entitled to his opinion.
"Jap-Crap" ??? The term "Jap" flows freely way too much around here. Ease up there big guy.
90- "Mr. Chang" is a Chinese name. We are talking about Japanese cars.

urple: If we are going to use racially stereotypical names in such a way, do it right. It's Ishihara, or Fujimoto. Now THAT would have been funny! LOL
Buying American, if the product is indeed inferior, is simply encouraging the US auto industry to continue putting out bad product...assuming the product IS inferior (which is debatable) So buying product for the sake of it being American hinders progress in the long run. It says: "go ahead, keep sucking"
Personally, I like autos from Germany, Japan and the US. I buy the car which suits my personal needs, performs, and is of quality...reguardless. If a German auto manufacturer had a superior 4x4 to the Jeep, I'd buy that if all other criteria is the same.
Build a better mousetrap if you want my money....period. Sometimes the US does, sometimes it doesn't.
Patriotism isn't (IMO) an issue. I bought my jeep because I thought it was the best 4x4 for the money, and suited my needs and lifestyle the most. My #2 vehicle would probably be a Tacoma.
The absolute BEST vehicle I've ever owned, an 88 Toyota 4x4 P/U. That thing took an absolute BEATING. And the customer service at the dealership was incredible. 2, would have to be my 1973 Bronco, but not because of the quality or longevity. Mostly because it was cool as all get out.
As for workmanship, Dodge interiors are the absolute worst. EVERYTHING falls apart. Vents, door handles, center console... .
Now, as for aesthetics:
I'm sorry, but ALL US Pick up trucks are FUGLY. GM, Ford, Chevy, Dodge all need to pull their heads out, and get some design sense. (although the Ridgeline is just as foul looking) They are all the auto equivalent of the girl you hookup with because your friend is dating the "Hot Friend". you're sort of jumping on the grenade for a pal to help him out.
Have you guys seen the Aztek? Holy crap. This is the kind of horrible innovation I'm speaking of.
I don't care if that's the ONLY auto the US puts out. I ain't buying it! And I'd still be a patriot if I didn't.
It's all a matter of opinion. But please, let's keep it above the belt.