Steering Stabelizer for an SOA?


Super Moderator
Well I just got my skyjacker dual stabelizer in the mail last night. I go to put it on and the instructions tell me to attach one end to the drag link and the other to the frame with brackets. Now thats all fine and dandy but I just did an SOA on my YJ and the frame is not even close to the drag link now, not to mention it looks like the track bar would be right in the way anyways.

So my question is (especially soa'ers) What has been done in my situation? Do I have to make a custom bracket? if so where? I'm sure I'm not the only one that has had this problem. I even called skyjacker and quadratec and both just said... "i don't know" So I turn to you, please help!
vacuum lines off of valve cover

You may just need to redrill the bracket that hangs off the frame, or make a longer one if it's too short, so it reaches further down from the frame. May need a brace if you get that far from the frame, time will tell.

I had the same dual stabilizer kit on a 4" kit with no problems, so you should be able to make it work.
35s with 3.73

Usually there is a bracket that gets sandwiched between the perch and springs that has a stud on it for one end of the stabilizer and the other attaches to the tie rod via a u-bolt bracket kit.
Quadratec has the kit with Rancho stabilizer for $49.95
part #16028.001

Well I drilled an extra hole in the bracket attaching to the frame,. I thought it was going to work... I started putting it together but then I noticed the bracket hangiing off the frame was directly above the leaf spring pack, maybe 2-3 inches. Not to mention the bracket that went on the drag link was pointed waaay down and wouldn't take the other end of the stabelizer because of the severe angle.

I was thinking of doing what snitty said and putting it to the axle tube, but I would need to disconnect the front track bar, which I would rather not do. If anyone has a picture of thier soa stabelizer setup I would love to see it.
The drop bracket that attaches the dual stabilizers to the frame, is it on the inside of the frame rail?

I don't own that YJ anymore, but it was a simple install with the 4" of lift. The stabilyzers were angled down, so I can imagine what they would be with 5.5+" of lift. All I can say is to lengthen the bracket hanging from the frame, or get a different setup.

Yeah it told me to put that bracket on the inside of the frame rail, which puts it directly above the spring pack. I think I'm going to put a spacer inbetween the bracket and the frame to clear the pack, or just make a new bracket and bolt it to the axle tube. The fact that its a dual keeps me thinking that its gonna get torn off if I put it down too low.
Is that bracket hitting the leaf pack or is it just too close for comfort?

Spacing it from the frame should solve this problem. Maybe I didn't run into it since my lift springs were much further from the frame.
I was fooling around with it again tonight, and I came up with the same solution as you Bounty. A 1-2 inch spacer from the frame would solve my problem. The bracket did come way to close for comfort, it was 1.5" away from the spring pack. So the spacer coupled with an altered bracket on the drag link should do it. I don't have pics of the jeeps front currently, but i will have them afterwards... or if I run into another problem. Thanks guys