Steering Column Woes


New member

After a moment of frustration (Cussing, kicking, etc.) I managed to snap the "Lock Rack" in the guts of my tilt steering column knuckle. This is the little pot metal piece that connects the ignition lock cylinder to the remote rod and the ignition switch. There's a good picture in the chiltons manual, but that's it no Removal & Installation.

Has anyone had to replace this? If so how'd you get the lower shroud off the column? I managed to get everything else torn apart, including removal of the column. I found an old thread about a couple tabs inside the shroud, but I can't seem to find them.

The parts guy says he can't get it. Has anyone gotten one from a dealer or on the www?

It's on an '84 CJ7, tilt steering, manual trans.

On the upside, I now know how to hotwire a CJ real quick.[addsig]


...Nuthin :-?

Anyone want a busted steering column? Anyone know what vehicles in the junkyard might have the same column? My options are pretty limited out here yonder. I've found rebuilt columns for $275 + shipping. [addsig]

:-x I had to replace the lock rack in my 85 CJ. What a pain in the butt.
You dont have to take the lower shroud off but you do have to tear you steering column all the way down until you have access to the tilt spring and the pivot pins. Remove the tilt spring first. You do this by pushing the plug in and twisting, then the spring and plug will come out at you. When taking the spring out, be sure your spring doesnt have any tension on it...i.e.(have it tilted so that the spring has as little tention as possible). Next is those dang pivot pins. They are tapped so you can pull them out with a puller. I found the easiest way to do that is to take a socket that will fit over the pin, then go to your local hardware store and pick up a small bolt that will fit the threads in the pins. Use the socket and bolt as a puller and they should pop right out. Be careful though, if you break off the bolt your gonna have to drill and re tap...It happened to me. Once you get the pins out, you can access the "lock rack." Good luck finding a used one. If you gotta buy a replacement, theyre a dealer item only and they come in a "steering wheel assembly kit" quickest 80.00 youll ever spend. For that much that pot metal should be solid gold. :lol: :lol: :lol: Put together same way as you took apart and youll be set. Took me a while to figure out, but well worth fixing instead of replacing...Good Luck...[addsig]

I am not sure about the cj's but my 87 yj column had to be repaired and in order to get the lower shroud off you'll have to take the entire steering column out. Disconnect it from under the dash and pull it back. I also think that you can replace it with a chevy s-10 column the only thing that is different is the wheel. A lot cheaper at a wrecker if you chevy rather than JEEP. let me know what happens. [addsig]


Yep, yep, yup...

Been there, too! My '83 CJ5 had a busted lock ring. I bought one at my local dealer, followed a well documented url disassy process (I'll try to find the link and post it), then proceeded to break the replacement lock rack :-x !

I also need a horn switch, and a few miscellaneous piece parts. Anyway to make a long story short, I found an online business that sells complete rebuilt GM tilt columns. I remember the price being something like $130, or so. Pretty good value! Everything bolted right in perfect.

In hindsight, the $130 beat the heck out of pulling the column guts out in my lap one more time. There is one level of the assy where you can end up with a lap full of little ball bearings...

Food for thought. I will find my old links and post them under a separate message.

Jeep On!


i think this just happend to me. but mine is an 87 XJ non-tilt wheel. the key would get stuck in the ignition and i pulled back hard and heard the gears in the column strip. replaced ignition switch and lock cylinder. still have the gear ratcheting noise. i cant even see how to get to the gear assembly?[addsig]

Great info Guys!!! Sounds like a fairly common problem

I've been racking my brain trying to find these parts. Thanks JeepAdict, I'll get those pivot pins out tomorrow, they've been screwing with me the past two days.

Hopefully the S-10 column idea pans out, I also heard a firebird might work too. I'm sure theres a dozen of them.

rbunch4468 - do you know where you saw rebuilt columns for $130! I found them for $280, but I like your price much better.

What about those They Stole My Jeep kits? Has anyone seen them on the www or have an actual name for them?

Thanks, I'm trying to save a few bucks here.[addsig]


any word on finding a lock rack, or what column might fit? i just took my column out from under the dash, found 3 screws holding another peice of the shroud in place. when i slid it down the column the lock rack fell out as well as a pin and a ball bearing. not sure i could put it all back together now. might start looking for another column.[addsig]

just found an 86 trans am and an 87 S10 for parts in my local classifieds. anyone know if that would work?[addsig]

There is a great Jeep Junkyard in Wabash Indiana - called Wabash Motors - no website at the moment I think tho -...

but guy there quoted me a full steering column with tilt/intermittent for $125 - it was for a YJ, so I'm sure it's possible the price might be diff. from YJ to CJ - but it's worth a shot.[addsig]


HAHAHA, maybe i shouldn't change my major from engineering after all.
ok this is temporary, but it got it out of the garage and around the block a few times.
i never thought i would get that mess of a column back in there. i decided to try anyway to get it at least where it was from the beggining.
all went back in pretty smoothly, i got the lock cylinder in and could see the slider gear slipping on the lock gear. so i took a drill bit and made a hole on top of the steering column. now i slide a small screw driver down it and when i turn the key i can push it enough that it starts right up, same thing to turn it off and take out the key.
bolted everything back together and turned it on/off at least 10 times and it works fine. its pretty damn ghetto but it will work for now.[addsig]

I found the cure!!! :-D

Aaand it's cheap. $9.99

I took off work early today with the intention of going to the j-yard to dig around for replacement columns. On my way I remembered that I needed a set of those inverted torx sockets. While walking back from the tools section I passed by the HELP! section when it jumped out at me. HELP! is a product of MOTORMITE. To put the picture in your head, these are the random/obscure repair parts packaged in bright red. Almost every parts store carries them. They produce all sorts of universal fixit parts like door handles, exhaust manifold bolts, oil caps, dipsticks, etc. All those parts that disapear or break but can only be ordered from a dealer.

Anyway, there it was an ignition switch rack kit. It practically jumped out and bit me. I was ellated to say the least. The kit comes with a new potmetal ignition lock rack, gear, and that goofy spring. I took my booty home and within a couple hours had the whole thing back together.

The kit is universal for all GM Tilt columns from 75 up. Jeeps have GM columns. The part number is 83211 and it is called a IGNITION SWITCH RACK KIT. Chances are the parts guy doesn't know he has it. These things are stocked like Pepsi in the gas station, someone else does it.

If you can't find it at the parts store you can order one online heres the address to the part: Actually, I'm not sure if you can order one here or not, but it's a start.

Sorry I didn't get this to you tzweelz before you drilled a hole in your shroud. Since your's is an XJ I'm not sure if this would work or not.

I'm hoping that I can put something together for the tech section on this website and others. This seems like a fairly common problem, and it was pretty trumatic for me, and I've had MUCH worse breakdowns before. Maybe I can aleviate some stress for others.


edited by: Jeepskate, Jul 16, 2003 - 05:05 PM[addsig]

wow thats great! i think i now exactly what section in the parts stores your talking about. im gonna run right out and look.
it must look like im a criminal breaking into my own car. using a screwdriver to start it. [addsig]


found the part that you got. however mine is a non-tilt column and looks totally different. thanks for the website because i found the one i need and its still pn# 83221. just have to go to some other parts stores and hopefully one of them will have it.

btw, how hard was it to install the round gear? i dont really remember seeing a screw or pin for it to come out. there is definetly nothing on it in my haynes or chiltons whichever i have. [addsig]